the losses caused by The Galaxy Note 7 should still be in the stage of assessment within the Samsung Mobile. However, this setback seems not to have pinched the picture of the south Korean, at least in the U.S., according to a survey.
according To a survey from Reuters/Ipsos, the image of the Samsung remains unwavering in its main market, the american. Users who have purchased the appliance or other device, Samsung asserted to continue to trust in the brand.
In the survey carried out by Reuters/Ipsos, it was concluded that the current users of the brand in south korea and 91 percent of the users of the brand would be looking to buy a Samsung device.
Already 92 percent of users in general – fans of other brands – said that probably they would buy another Samsung device. In this universe, and going against the aggrieved Note 7, 27 percent of those who knew of the recall consider to buy another Samsung smartphone.
now that they did not know of the recall, 25 percent stated that she would find the first device of the south Korean. If the problem itself has brought financial problems, the truth is that the clean image of the brand may cause the same to be recovered with other devices.
This survey from Reuters/Ipsos has been made online exclusively for the north american market and, according to the Reuters, has a margin of error of 2 percentage points. The research was based on the votes of more than five thousand users, 2375, Samsung and 3158 users of iPhone.
This shows that the users do not generalize a brand by a mistake and that it continues to deserve a vote of confidence of the users. It was also visible that Samsung, like Apple, already has the salt legion of fans, and that the same do not intend to abandon the brand because of a device failure.

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