Although you have already collected most of the Galaxy Note 7 has launched on the market, Samsung continues in the process of collection of the devices. The technological south Korean has warned consistently that the holders of the equipment in the return but still there are those who keep it. The case went to a Internet Cafe in the province of Anhui, in China, should serve as a warning that following the appeal of the Samsung it is the best thing to do.
Account and the Android Headline that a thief tried to steal a Note, 7 of the owners of the establishment, a device that does not take long to explode while it was in his possession. The case was the subject of jest on the part of the internet, which refers to the explosion of the Note 7 can be a anti-theft on the part of the technological south Korean.
Despite the collection of Samsung, China still has many shops that continue to sell the Note 7, selling at a lower price to those who wish to buy. It is expected that in the coming months the Samsung continue to see difficulties in recovering all of the devices in these urban areas more complex.

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