There are those who have not yet returned your drive to the Galaxy Note 7 to the technical assistance of Samsung. Even with the giant of South Korea having discontinued his powerful phablet for the account of the explosions, many users have decided to continue with the dangerous phone in the hands.
it Is the case of a portion of the consumers of Canada, one of the first countries where the recall company’s global debut. Now, a new update is getting there.

Android 13 Sep
Android 22 Sep
this is the update released by Samsung on 13th September, whose immediate goal is to increase the security of who is still using a copy of the Galaxy Note 7.
To prevent the battery from model overheat and, as a consequence, put at risk the life of its owner, the update puts a load-limiting in time to be recharged. In this way, the energy storage in the component to be taken in 60%.
although it is possible to increase the limit to 80%, it will be impossible to enjoy the full capacity of 3500 mAh found in the part of the company.
Even if you are sure that your device will explode when it reaches 100%, Samsung requires the units of the Galaxy Note 7 will receive the update, just to avoid that your image is still more impaired by the device flawed. Now, canadians are also beginning to participate in the program.
The update is already available in the United States, Europe, United Kingdom and South Korea, places where the Galaxy Note 7 has come to begin to be sold before the first explosions.
In fact, the smartphone potentially combustivo is still used by over a million people throughout the world. They claim that the product is so good that it should not be replaced, or simply do not want to go through the "headache" of going to swap.
Galaxy Note 7 is still sold for a "special price" in certain parts of the world, ignoring the strong appeal of Samsung to ask that all copies be returned for their technical assistance.
But the damage is already done. On 27 October, the numbers of the company have been revealed, showing off the worst fiscal quarter since 2014. The losses in the sector of mobile telephony amounted to millions of dollars, and should not stop there.

Android 04 Nov
Android 03 Nov
Being more extremist, Samsung will begin to turn off remotely the units of Galaxy Note 7 which are still in use in the markets.
For now, the action will be in force only in New Zealand, however it is possible that if you expand to other locations as the time. In Brazil, the phablet was estimated for 12 September, which obviously did not happen, but we have already good alternatives to it.

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