he deceives himself who thinks that the controversy regarding the technology applied to the automotive industry are limited to scandals in the emission of pollutants, the decisions of the automakers as to who lives and who dies in dilemmas with systems, direction, or stand-alone to the extortionate prices that the brazilians pay for their cars. A fatal accident with the Tesla Model S, in the United States, shows that the future has arrived and it brings its own quota of problems. And so what? And then we’re going to have to learn to deal with it
in The same way as the technological advances the daily tends to help or make our lives easier, it can also create new types of challenges to the society. Samsung, for example, has been facing a big problem with your Galaxy Note 7, since a defect in its battery caused the devices to become unstable and would explode during charging. If a small device has a potential to be so destructive, so you can imagine the damage done by a car that basically feeds on Galaxy Notes?
All-battery offers risk
It more or less than the population of Indianapolis has seen for a case that occurred in the last Thursday (3). According to the local authorities, the electric Model S hit at high speed against a tree during the early morning and entered immediately into flames. As if the death of the driver of only 27 years in the own site was not tragic enough, the firefighters had to tackle a fire that is not extinguia so easily and that behaved differently from accidents with conventional vehicles.
The victims of the accident involving the Model S
The firefighters also had to deal with battery cells that exploded like fireworks
according To the Fire Department of the city, it was necessary to use amount absurd of water – in addition to chemical powder – for about 5 to 10 minutes for the attendants of the accident could eliminate the foci of the flames. In addition to the fire intense, the firefighters also had to deal with battery cells that, after heated or burned, exploded like fireworks. Only after the situation had been brought under control, it was possible to make the rescue of the passenger of the car, which, unfortunately, died in the hospital.
In an interview with TV channels of the region, Kevin Jones, the chief of the battalion deployed to take care of the case, explained that it is not uncommon that the cars take fire in an accident of this magnitude – especially equipment for combustion. The problem with hybrid vehicles or 100% electric, according to the firefighter, is that its batteries of high voltage require a lot of dedication of the professionals and resource-intensive to be properly controlled.
The way to do with that cases like this are solved more quickly and effectively? Train. In a statement, the Fire Department of Indianapolis says it has trained its members in the unique challenges presented by models that feed partly or completely from batteries. To own the Tesla is fully aware of this theme and provides in its website detailed guides to help the firefighters in case of fire.
PDF Files give the location of items of sensitive car
Additionally, a representative of the company led by Elon Musk revealed that the company is sad with what happened, but it is doing its best to help the authorities to solve the case. Unfortunately the aid of the automaker may be limited. "Due to the damage caused by a collision, the car was physically unable to convey your save data to our servers," says in the statement.
in the Event that the Autopilot was turned on, the tragedy could be avoided
The text also reminds us that, if the system of the Autopilot was turned on, most likely, the tragedy could be avoided. This is because the platform would limit the speed of the Model S in this situation about 55 km/h – a speed that, according to the witnesses, is much smaller than the that the vehicle passed at the time of the accident.

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