The Samsung still not got rid of the great problem that is to be the Galaxy Note 7. If the south Korean has no reason to be concerned, for still not having come to a conclusion about the cause of the explosions of Note 7, this concern may increase.
In question is a new problem with the explosions of the batteries. Only this time, the equipment in question is not the Note 7. Gives France, arrived in a case of a Galaxy J5 that caught fire.
The case was reported by the user himself, quoted by the agency AFP. It was Lamya Bouyirdane, a user French, who purchased the Galaxy J5 in June of this year. The user said that he felt the phone warm up too much and smoking.
his gesture was to throw the phone away, in order not to leave the injured party in the situation. The equipment was eventually ignite due to the explosion of the battery.
Lamya Bouyirdane already stated that it will process the Samsung. On this case, in particular, there has been no declaration of trademark south-Korean.
on the side of the Galaxy Note 7 Samsung had already made every effort to ensure that the same were disabled and returned, the side of this Galaxy J5 may be a case in point, it may not be a need for a general recall.
in Spite of everything, the image of the Samsung comes out beliscada, and much, at the end of this year. Was the Note 7, there were occasional instances of S7, this J5, and also of washing machines. Something is not going well on the Samsung and the brand will have to do a "cleaning" general in his image.

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