With the death of the Galaxy Note 7, analysts began to show concern with the future of Samsung. With losses estimated at more than R$ 10 billion for the account of the smartphone, the explosive, the company presented, between July and September 2016, their worst quarter since 2014. The company also had a large drop in market share.
however, in spite of the predictions pessimistic, the image of the south Korean does not seem to have been affected. A survey conducted by Reuters/Ipsos in the 50 u.s. states shows that the consumer remains faithful to the company in the same way that the iPhone user to trust in Apple.

Android 08 Nov
Android 03 Nov
Were heard 2.375 users of devices Samsung, of whom 91% said you want to continue with the brand when the time comes to replace the smartphone, and 92% consider other product of the brand south-Korean in addition to mobile devices.
Already among the 3.158 iPhone users, 92% demonstrated a desire to replace the current device for another Apple, and 89% consider to buy another product from Apple.
And the data also show that, even among those who claim to be aware of the case of the Note 7, the trust in the Samsung was not affected. According to the study, 27% of those who knew of the recall said to consider a Samsung handset as a replacement for your current smartphone, compared to 25% among those who did not know of the case.
Investors betting on a migration million users of the Note 7 to the iPhone, but, apparently, this movement has not reached proportions as large. According to Samsung, about 85% of the consumers of Note 7 that have already returned the device have opted for another unit of the company.
The authors of the research, however, observe that she cannot show the real impact of the recall on the mark. The study, in fact, measured the interest of consumers in buying products of the company.
Jack Dawson, of Jackdaw Research, notes that the recall has affected more the "early adopters" more than the basis the majority of consumers Samsung. the "Your personal experience trumps what you read and what people tell you", he warned.

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