RIO de janeiro — The brazilian airlines have decided to ban the Samsung smartphones Galaxy Note 7, the most modern of the company, remain connected inside of the aircraft, even in airplane mode throughout the flight. This is due to the high risk of explosion and fire, The measure was determined in mid-September by the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), a regulatory board for the sector, which decided to follow the rules that are being taken in all over the world for the sake of security. The determination of the FAA includes the prohibition of charging the unit in suitcases that are checked.
The Galaxy Note 7 is not yet being marketed in Brazil, and, because of the problem, the launch was postponed.
In a statement, Samsung claims that you are aware of the position of the Faa on the use and charging of Galaxy Note 7 during the flights. In this way, requests that consumers who purchased a Galaxy Note 7 in the outer or travelers passing through Brazil to shut down their devices, pointing out that the model has not yet been released in the country. The company enhances, also, to local consumers who have purchased the product outside of the country who contact our customer service on the phones: 4004-0000 (capital) and 0800-124421 (other cities). Those interested in more information you can also access the site
The Brazilian Association of Airlines (Abear), which represents the Gol, Avianca, Latam and Blue, states that all guidelines and provisions of the Faa are fully enforced by the airline members of the association. And remember that, although the model Samsung Note 7 has not been released in Brazil, companies already give to the passengers by means of audible tones, including during boarding on domestic flights, in addition to disseminate the information through other communication channels such as websites and social networks.
Soon after the disclosure of the determination of the Anac, Latam has banned the use of the instrument on board its aircraft, as well as in checked baggage. In a statement, the airline reported that the measure is valid until the
The decision was made after Samsung Electronics announced, in early September, a serious problem in the battery of the mobile, which demanded the suspension of sales of Galaxy Note 7, and recall the world of the machine after incidents caused by the explosion of the battery model. Until September 1, according to the company, were reported 35 episodes in all over the world, and that it is “conducting a thorough inspection with the vendors to identify possible batteries affected in the market where the products have already been sold”. The company also announced that it will replace the handsets of the people who bought this model of smartphone.
Check out below the full text of the recommendation to the Faa to airlines:
“The National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac) sent on the 12th of September to operators of air transport the country’s recommendation as to the use and transport of the smartphone Galaxy Note 7 in the aircraft.
Due to several incidents caused by the lithium-ion battery model from Samsung, in different places of the world, the agency directed that airlines warn passengers about the risks in the carriage of the apparatus in the aircraft.
The Faa suggests that passengers and crew do not turn on or re-download this template within your aircraft, until the replacement of the models defective is carried out by the manufacturer. The recommendation suggests that the model Note, 7 the Samsung not be transported by passengers or crewmembers in checked luggage, but only in hand luggage and off.
last week, the problems caused by the battery of the smartphone Galaxy Note 7 led to the civil aviation authority of the United States (the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to alert the airlines of that country as to the care in the transport and use of the device within the aircraft.”

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