While pursuing the collection of million units of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, there have been two more cases of problems with the battery of these equipment, causing incidents that have put in danger the users. Although the airline has done a new revision of the devices in the past month, two users of the mobile phone Galaxy Note 7 were the victims of a breakdown, when their equipment caught fire. The two incidents with the Galaxy Note 7 have occurred, recently, in the State of Kentucky, in the United States. In the city Nicholasville, a man inhaling a large amount of smoke, after the phone was burnt during the night. Had to be taken care of in the hospital. Michael Klering, the owner of the device, in statements to the BBC, reinforced that this was not connected to the charger. There would have been a heating problem in the battery, precisely what has taken Samsung to make a revision to the equipment. Also in the us, another Galaxy Note 7 burned down, when your user was on board a plane company in the Southwest. It was necessary to evacuate the unit. According to the us press, the two phones are already part of the substitution. my phone was supposed to be a replacement, and I thought I was saved,”, complained the owner in an interview with TV WKYT. The tag south-Korean Samsung has decided to suspend, temporarily, the production of the model, while it proceeds with a campaign of revisions to the global scale. In question are only detected problems on the Galaxy Note 7 and the failure of the model with the inevitable consequences on the reputation of the Samsung.

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