The Samsung is currently trying to prevent its image as a company is aggrieved by the Galaxy Note 7 is defective, a goal that may be a little more complicated after it has been revealed that employees of the technology-the south Korean tried to bribe a client to not reveal the defect of the smartphone.
Account to the New York Times that the case was given in China with Zhang Sitong, customer of Samsung that captured on video the Galaxy Note 7 that was purchased in full malfunction. The house of Sitong will have gone two employees from Samsung with an offer of 820 euros for this to not share the video that you had in your pose.
once rejected the offer, Sitong shared the video, and this was followed by more shares on the same subject that have helped to escalate the situation to the situation of today. Later on Samsung released a second version of the Galaxy Note 7 that, allegedly, would correct the flaws present in the original. Unfortunately, also this version proved to be defective, which helped to complicate even more the situation of Samsung, and that culminated in the cancellation of the production and sale of this model.

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