starting next week, the smartphone will no longer connect to Wi-Fi networks, Bluetooth and telephony in Canada.

The recall of Samsung your smartphones Galaxy Note 7, which came out of line after several cases of explosions, is still far from being complete. And some users from Canada, for example, are not yet delivering their devices in exchange for a refund or to get another device of the manufacturer.
so, the south Korean company has decided to cut the access of these smartphones to the network, adopting a measure similar to that which has recently taken in New Zealand and Australia.
Samsung said that from December 12th, will be introduced in Canada these functional limitations for Note 7, including disabling Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
from December 15, those who are still using the Note 7 will not be able to connect to a network mobile service from Canada to make calls, use mobile data or send text messages.
Samsung claims that it has already managed to perform the recall with the security of almost 90% of the equipment Note 7 of the canadian market. In September, when Samsung announced the recall of Note 7 in Canada, it was estimated that around 22 thousand devices had been sold in the country.

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