it Was in September that Samsung announced that it would suspend and collect the Galaxy Note 7. In question is a supposed problem with the battery or even with the internal design of the equipment, which can take the battery from the equipment to explode.
With the aim of re-press customers return their Galaxy Note 7, Samsung took the now drastic measures. Find out what steps are these.
even after all of the alerts. With the aim of ensuring the security of the clients, this is because the equipment can blow up, Samsung announced that it will step in with some drastic measures.
In the United States, from next day 19 December, the device will receive an update that will prevent the loading of the same. Already in Europe the south Korean company also warned that from December 19, will be available an update that only allow you to load the equipment up to 30%.
Obviously, in this case, users can continue to get away from the updates.
According to recent data, up to this moment we have already returned about 93%. However, the company continues to be committed to be able to collect all the units up to safeguard, less pleasant, any situation that might occur.
that will lead users to fail to deliver the equipment?
Via Samsung

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