In an article published on Friday, December 2, the company Instrumental, specialized in engineering products, reveals that the design of the Galaxy Note 7 causes the local plug-in battery runs out causing a pressure extra about it. With this, the poles of negative and positive touch each other internally, causing overloading, overheating and, then, it is possible to explosion.
“The battery of the Note 7 consists of a layer of the positive is made of dioxide of ltio-cobalt, a layer of negative is made of graphite and two layers separator soaked in eletrlitos made of polmero. These layers allow ons [and energy] to flow between the layers of positive and negative, without allowing the layers to touch,” explains Anna Shedletsk, one of the directors of the Instrumental, in the text of the article published the press.
The engineer remembers that the movements in the rear of the unit, such as the simple cover and the use of the mobile phone in the pocket of trs, end up contributing to the pressure experienced by the battery is sufficient for the poles of negative and positive from touching each other.
This avaliao Note 7 was made independently by the american company. In turn, the Korean Samsung still’est analyzing the problem in your mobile phone top of the line, and deliberated on the theme. On the 11th of October this year, the giant of the market eletrnicos removed the smartphone market. In a statement the press, the company’s Korean informed him that the exploses and the devolues of the instrument caused prejuzo of about US$ 2,52 bilhes (around R$ 8.5 bilhes) in profit for the fourth quarter of 2016 and first quarter 2017.

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