In the last few weeks have arrived on the internet several reports of explosions from the Galaxy Note 7 and, while it is true that the top of the range has given problems, part of these cases may be false. It is to this possibility that now points to Samsung in a conversation with ZDNet, indicating that the scale of the incidents may have been exaggerated.
Of the 92 reported cases of smartphones Galaxy Note 7 defective to the Safety Commission Consumer Products USA, about 26 have their legitimacy in question. In 12 cases, Samsung verified that the Galaxy Note 7 has not had any defects while in the other seven the technological south Korean found himself prevented from investigating taking into account that the client withdrew the complaint, or to lay down the smartphone off.
The controversy in which Samsung has seen involved has led to technological south Korean to undertake a collection of Galaxy Note 7, the new top of the range model at the time, already had more than a million units on the market.

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