Samsung has decided to postpone the start of sales of the new version of the Galaxy Note 7. In his home country, the first place marked to resume the marketing of the model, the back to the shelves was expected for the 28th of September, that is, the day after tomorrow. Although the giant of South Korea has confirmed the schedule, just change the combined three days later. That is, the smartphone elite returns to the region only 1st October, next Saturday.
Even with the amendment, the ground of origin of the company will be the second in the world to count with the resumption of the availability. The first is the United States of America, where the powerful phablet can already be found in stock at Verizon and Sprint, two of the largest mobile operators of the nation. There is a reason that explains the company’s decision on delaying the sales of the Galaxy Note 7 in the territory of south-Korean, however.
according To the own Samsung, not more than 200 thousand customers have been to the technical assistance officers or authorised to replace the Galaxy Note 7 unstable with the new version, considered safe. In this way, the resumption of the marketing of the product by there would make the process of recall were directly affected. Therefore, those who have already purchased a drive of the device will have a few more days to make a quick exchange for a copy of tidy.
from The 1st day of October users will have the unique chance to replace the Galaxy Note 7 in the technical assistance official of the Samsung. At the present time, in addition, the providers of services to the laptops of South Korea are also getting the models to be defective, precisely to avoid the queues at the time of the exchange, ensuring maximum comfort in the experience.

Android 21 Sep
Android 23 Sep
Australia and Singapore should be the next countries to receive the new Galaxy Note 7, but India just go to the recent list of availability. In the words of the own Samsung, the reestreia powerful phone on site will be made with the contribution of a great value in marketing, on the 7th of October. The measure aims to put the brand in the spotlight again, seeking to end up with the bad reputation left by the units that have exploded in China, South Korea, the United States and other markets.
it is Believed that the device keep the same price for its launch in all these places, starting from$ 849, or about R$ 2.769, using the current exchange rate of the dollar, disregarding the taxes brazilians. In solo tupiniquim, however, there is no forecast for the resumption of sales, so you must wait until Samsung has official information on the subject.

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