Samsung went public on Thursday, September 29, to comment on the commercial performance of the new version of the Galaxy Note 7. Although there is no difference in technique between it and the original template, only the first can be sold, that its battery was replaced to eliminate the dangers of explosion by moderate use. And a considerable amount of users are already enjoying for edition safe of the device, according to the own giant of South Korea.
On a report made by Reuters, the company claims that more than 1 million people already use the new Galaxy Note 7. The amount exceeds the half of the copies that the company had sold in the beginning of the saga of the product, reflecting the fast pace adopted by it in the substitution of the defective units around the world. And their clients demonstrate a high fidelity to the program.
At least 2.5 million copies the Galaxy Note 7 defective were sent by Samsung to the first buyers, then the number of 1 million users of the new phablet shows an advance fast, in fact. Billions of dollars are being spent by the company asian to bring the units to the problematic back-to-assists, in addition to the investments in the redesign of marketing to sustain the negative impacts suffered by trademark after the incident.
the participants of the process of recall, 90% have decided to continue with the Galaxy Note 7, waiting for Samsung to return the updated version of the equipment. That is, almost all of the old consumers in the largest smartphone manufacturer on the planet not abandoned the same before and after the fires. Naturally, the company will not have the same profit as before, because of the variables involved, but at least not lose all the momentum.

Android 21 Sep
Android 29 Sep
Samsung has already sent shipments of the new Galaxy Note 7 to the United States of America, being the first country to rely on the novelty in stock. This week, in continuity, the giant from South Korea began to offer the product also in your home country.
Australia and Singapore should follow soon, while the arrival in Europe can mark the debut of the model in all 15 locations where the Galaxy Note 7 was initially released. In Brazil, on the other hand, the premiere was dated for the 12th day of September, later postponed on account of the problem with the explosions. As in the exterior the original value was kept, US$ 849, or about R$ 2.730*, it is believed that the Samsung piece R$ 4.299 for the product in the lands of the tupiniquin.
*Value is converted using the current exchange rate of the dollar as the basis of conversion, excluding the taxes brazilians.

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