it Was at the beginning of the month that the explosions caused by the Galaxy Note 7 began to be one of the most talked about topics on the Internet. In a few days, taking into account the amount of cases, the Samsung has suspended the sale of the equipment and even got to sell new shares to finance the collection of the same.
But, according to a recent report from the company itself, 26 of the Galaxy Note 7 received by part of the users have never been associated with any explosion. But there is more information…
The Galaxy Note 7 was to be a sales success but it turned out to be a nightmare for Samsung. Much has been written and there was the same analysts that said that, this issue could bring serious troubles, financial to the company.
But the company, also in self-defense, has recently revealed that it received 26 "cases fake", that is, users who reported that there was explosion with the equipment but that, in fact, there is no evidence that this has happened.
of the 26 cases, the company reported that, in 12, not found any fault. 7 equipment the victim has simply disappeared after having given indications that your smartphone came in the combustion (Samsung cannot contact you neither by email nor by phone). The remaining seven clients cancelled the claim.
in Relation to the Jeep Grand Cherokee, whose fire happened on the 8th September in St. Petesburg, in the USA the report of Samsung shows that the vehicle has been inspected but have not confirmed any evidence that the guilt has been the Galaxy Note 7. According to the owner, the equipment was loading in the interior but not even the fire brigade joined the fire equipment.
Many were the bad news associated with Galaxy Note 7 but, now, the company wants to clarify if the case.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 7 was recently returned to american department stores and, in all, more than 500 thousand units. There are also now some rumors which stated that Samsung will launch the Galaxy Note 7 in black to try to win back the market.

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