After releasing the Samsung Galaxy S4 and announcing the HTC One for arrival sometime this summer, Verizon has seen it fit to drop the price of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 by $ 100, an enormous price cut to the 5.5-inch phablet Which remains one of the best Android smartphones on the market.
The price cut, Which apparently has been available on Verizon for quite some team now, brings the price of the Verizon Galaxy Note 2 down from $ 299.99 to $ 199.99, a dramatic price cut for one of Verizon’s top Android smartphones. Of course, the price is not going to be the appetizing to the $ 80 price tag at Amazon For Those que but simply do not want or can not order through Amazon, this new Verizon price Should be an intriguing one.
The Verizon Galaxy Note 2 price has seen a drastic cut.
This price cut does not mean que the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is on the way though. Instead, the price cut is more Likely due to collegues Samsung Galaxy S4 is on shelves and the HTC One is coming to shelves at some point in the future. Verizon still has not Offered a release date for the HTC One though it’s expected to arrive sometime in late June.
Despite the new devices, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 remains a fantastic option for Those in the market for a new device, the Verizon variant Particularly Which Is home on the largest 4G LTE network in the country.
Samsung’s Galaxy Note 2 offers some specifications That Should hold up During the duration of the contract including the large 5.5-inch HD display, quad-core processor, 8MP camera, and software que Likely will be upgraded for the foreseeable future.
The device is Likely to be replaced at some point this year though the Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is not thought to be coming until September. Rumors have Suggested to launch the early July but with the IFA The Likely candidate for launch, September remains the front-runner When It Comes to the launch of Samsung’s next phablet device.

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