The 69MB update is available over Wifi only, brings new kernel and new radio
Build UCAMC3 looks like it’s heavy Rolling Out for the AT & T branded Galaxy Note 2. Since last night, plenty of users are reporting que They have received the 69MB OTA. There’s no official change log posted, but a quick
chat with someone who has received it shows que you’ll be getting a new radio and a new kernel. Besides the obvious performance boosts to the network que radio comes with new software, users are reporting better and stronger Wifi, and Increased overall performance.
You’ll need to be on Wifi to download this update, so be sure you’re not using your cell radio When You Check (right after reading this) lest you get the check again in 24 hours message. When and if AT & T posts official list of any changes, we’ll update this post.
Via: Android Central forums. Thanks, Shawn!

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