Samsung put its famous marketing team to create another commercial Galaxy Note 7. The giant creative team of South Korea worked tirelessly to produce the videos rechearam the presentation of news, still held earlier this week, but now describes the perfect phone to busy Americans. The idea is to use the vast multi-tasking power phablet in an attempt to win customers who live in the United States of America.
Showing graceful model capabilities, host of new commercial is nothing more and nothing less than Christoph Waltz. The actor participated in important films, including two of Tarantino, Inglourious Basterds (2009) and Free Django (2012), this time coming to the Samsung star portfolio. The video has a 1 and a half minutes long and can be followed below.
It is a busy American? Then the Galaxy Note 7 is the right smartphone for you. Whether you need to take care of your child and make the gym while vacationing in a waterfall (even if you never take a vacation), making noncash payments through the Samsung Pay, or studying to create an impeccable resume.
in a humorous way, Christoph Waltz goes through the most common situations among
In fact, productivity has always been one of the focuses in the line Galaxy Note. In addition to generally have what is best parts in the mobile phone industry, also has unique tools to become a real task force. One is the S Pen, accessory able to interact with precision and accuracy with TouchWiz, writing, drawing and organizing virtual elements displayed on the screen.
Of course, other nations around the world, as Brazil itself, are also filled with busy people, but the US market is one of the most important for Samsung, so it’s understandable that she is trying to do in video advertising. Here in tupiniquim soil, the novelty of the pre-sale starts on 22 August 2016 , earning the starting price of R $ 4,299, prepare your pocket if you want to call the powerful phablet her.

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