Galaxy Note 7 comes pre-sales in Brazil only on 22 August, but was already available in a number of countries around the world. One, of course, is also one of the most important markets for Samsung, the United States, where the most powerful phablet the company’s history could be booked shortly after its official presentation.
there, the apressadinhos customers who have already paid the amount requested to call the phone from his start receiving from this week your orders. A user on Reddit posted a screenshot of the UPS app, responsible for deliveries in the land of Uncle Sam, showing your Galaxy Note 7 “in transit”, probably arriving in the coming days at the residence of lucky. So the others who made the purchase at the same time experience a similar scenario.

Aug 14

Aug 14
The person responsible for publishing the image said to have bought the Galaxy Note 7 on T-Mobile, one of the largest mobile operators in U.S. The US company offers two ways to acquire a copy of the powerful device, the no contract with a price of US $ 849, and on a monthly plan, going for $ 69, or R $ 2,710 and R $ 220 using the current price of the dollar as a conversion basis, excluding the Brazilian taxes, respectively.
Who choose the version of a package of services need to pay $ 32.50 per month , to close at $ 103, the same previous conversion style. There are reports that include Verizon, another strong provider in the US, as close to deliver the news to their consumers, dating model shipment to the 17th of August, in two days. Anxiety is the word that defines the wait.
As residents of the United States may have on hand a Galaxy Note 7 later this week, Brazilians still need to wait until the day August 22 to make the payment and book a Samsung phablet unit. Green and yellow soil, the South Korean giant snake scary amount of R $ 4299 , for only those who have financial power to draw a box stores.
therefore, packets are sent in the weeks that follow the date, not taking a very long time before disembarking in the homes of the lucky ones. If the value is an impediment, it is worth remembering that Black Friday is coming, bringing great discounts on electronics. Get ready, the time of promotion is scheduled for November 25th, so start right now to join the coins.

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