Monday, February 1, 2016

Samsung Galaxy Note will lend 5 with data plan for … – Adrenaline

 The Samsung is doing a to the rather curious marketing, which will lend equipment Galaxy Note 5 to some tourists who visit South Korea. The promotion was done in partnership with SK Telekom , a local operator, which will help providing data usage 1GB of furniture per day.

The idea of ​​the increasing international perception of good quo to Internet infrastructure country, as well as leverage to convince some people buy the Galaxy Note 5. The companies are working together with the Tourism Organization in South Korea .

The Samsung pledged to provide smartphones for up to 250 visitors a week, that Mighty stay with the devices by up to 5 days. To be one of those lucky ones, however, it is necessary to register on this site and be one of the chosen. In addition, it is necessary to travel to the Incheon International Airport , Seoul . In total, the plan to borrow smartphones 12,000 tourists a year.

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