This is the fourth part of our Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Problems series and hundreds of questions are yet unanswered. Ten questions / problems have been answered in this post and we will keep posting articles like this to support owners who probably do not want to spend hours on the phone talking to a representative who is unwilling to help. In case your problem was not mentioned in this post, check out the first three parts of this series.
Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Problems, Questions, Solutions, Fixes [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
We will do everything to help our readers and we will use all possible medium to do that. So, if you have problems, questions, suggestions and clarifications, you can ask us through our Facebook Page, Google Plus Community, subscribe to our newsletter or email us at [ email protected] .
Note 2 will not come on after charging
Problem : Hi, my Note 2 was working fine but I connected it to the charger over night and in the morning it froze. After I removed the battery and it Replaced the power does not turn on. If I keep the power button pressed then the small red light next to camera flashes for 1 sec and nothing happens. I tried a different battery but no response. Even Showed it to a tech and he said “no issues with the hardware except there is no power coming to the motherboard.” Is direct wire connection from power source to the board the only solution – Saj
Answer : If it was the technician who Suggested there is a need to hardwire your phone then probably Knew what the problem really was. But I think this problem is more than just a software glitch, it must be a hardware problem. And since it’s about the phone not powering up, You Should Set Your focus first on the power sources.
Try to plug your phone to your computer and see if the computer can detect it and que the phone would charge. While connected to the computer, power on the phone normally. If it would not respond, press and hold the Power button. If That does not work either, try booting up to Recovery Mode, press and hold the Volume Up, Home and Power buttons for at least 7 seconds. If any of these procedures do not work, try a different battery and repeat these procedures.
Before you go any further, by the way, try to inspect the receptors in your phone. If one of Them is crooked, try fixing que first to make sure each receiver touches the interface of the battery.
But I do not quite understand what you meant by “direct wire.” if the phone is already out of warranty and you have thought of something That Could fix or remedy this problem, then it’s worth doing, but at your own risk. I would still recommend you bring the phone to an authorized Samsung technician to have it checked properly.
Related posts:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Slow Charging Problem [How To Fix]
- Additional Solution to Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Slow Charging Problem
Fring app will not load anymore on Note 2
Problem : Hello dears. I use Fring for VOIP. It used to load very fast on my Samsung Galaxy Note 2. But for the last 5-6 months, it take ages to load and in 99% cases it gives error message “Fring is unable to load … Report, Cancel, OK.” After 10-15 minutes of wait. This app works fine on Nokia E72 and Google Nexus 7 (2013). Translation of application I tried many times but the result was same.
Note : only this application is giving the trouble out of 160 installed apps – Ashfaq
Answer : In That Time span, I am pretty sure you have updated your phone to a higher version of Android and if that’s the case, it’s a compatibility issue. When a new version of Android is released by Google developers, app developers would usually adapt and build updates for Their Apps. Try going to your list of Apps in Google Play and see if there’s an available update for Fring. You need to be sure about this so even if there’s no update available, you need to uninstall and reinstall the app. But before you do that, here are some things you need to do:
- Tap Force Close first.
- Tap Clear Cache, then Clear Data.
- Go back to your app drawer and launch Fring. See if it still takes forever to load and return and error at the end. If so, then proceed with reinstallation of the app.
- Tap Uninstall button.
- Reboot the phone.
- Launch Google Play Store and find Fring.
- Download and install the app.
After doing this procedure and the app still gives you an error, email the developer of the app and make a detailed report. The app may just need some updating.
Turn off auto-correct feature on Note 2
Problem : Hi, I’m running OS 4.3 on my Note 2 and have a problem with the spell checker. It’s self-correcting words for me que are already correct, so I have to go back & fix Them. I’ve had this problem with previous Android phones & have gone to the Settings menu & turn off the auto-correct feature. But I can not find it now. Is there a way to turn off auto-correct & if so, how? Thanks -. Betty
Answer : Actually, you’re not the only one who emailed my about this problem. While the predictive text is a useful feature, I do not know why it’s so messed up nowadays. More Often, the words are the Entered ones you really do not want to use. There was a time I supposed to type ‘and’ but the word was Entered que was ‘anal’. I seldom use the predictive feature now, it can sometimes screw you.
By the way, I’m not sure what keyboard you’re using but try this:
- From the Home screen, tap the Menu key.
- Choose Settings and tap My Device tab.
- Tap Language & Input, then Input Methods.
- Inside, you’ll see Default Keyboard and Samsung.
- Tap the wheel beside the keyboard you’re using.
- Predictive text is Auto Replacement, que turn off option.
Below the
If you can not find the setting to turn off predictive feature, try using a different keyboard app if you desperately need to turn it off.
Transfer saved pages from Note 2 to computer
Question : Hi, how do I copy or transfer internet pages saved from my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 to my PC with or without Kies – Johan
Answer : Just remember the name of the folder or directory where you saved Those pages. Connect your phone to your computer and just copy the folder that contains all your saved pages. In your computer, open the folder and look for the file que has either. “Html” or. “Htm” extensions and just open it normally. The downside of this is That You need to connect your phone every time you want to copy saved pages.
There is an easy way to do it Especially When You Use Firefox on your Note 2. All you need to do is sync the Firefox application on your phone to the Firefox on your computer and you can view the pages or sites on your PC without connecting your phone via cable.
In case you’re using Google Chrome on your PC, you can use Also android2cloud app. It is a free app from the Play Store and let’s you share your pages from Note 2 to your PC wirelessly. You just need to install this 2Cloud extension on Google Chrome on your PC. Please leave every setting on default.
Once the extension has been installed, launch the Play Store on your phone and search for 2Cloud app and install it. When browsing and you want to transfer the page you’re viewing, you just need to pop your share menu, tap Page Share and share via android2cloud. This will transfer the page to Google Chrome on your computer.
Alternatively, you use bookmark importer apps-there’s a bunch of free ones on the Play Store.
Make Wi-Fi connection on primary Note 2
Problem : First, thank you for your column it has to be enjoyable read and I have learned a lot. My current problem with my Note 2 is, since the 4.3 update. Going from cellular mobile data network (4G/LTE) to AT & T WiFi Before 4.3 update, all I had to do was turn on my WiFi and the Note 2 would change over from WiFi to mobile data network. The emblem on 4G/LTE top notification bar would change over to WiFi badge. After 4.3, the only way I can connect to wifi is to go to setting, then other networks, then turn off mobile data network, then go back and turn on the wifi and it would connect instantly. So that about the extent of my problems from the 4.3 update. Any fixes or suggestions you may have would certainly be appreciated! Thanks again -. Don
Answer : There must be one que setting was messed up. To make your Note 2 connect to your WiFi network When it’s turned on, here’s what you need to do:
- From the Home screen, tap the Menu key.
- Tap Settings, then Connections tab.
- turn the WiFi on first, then tap WiFi
- Tap the Menu key, then choose Advanced.
- Check the box beside ‘Auto network switch.’
If Necessary
I hope this helps your problem.
Related posts:
- How to Fix Mobile Data problems on Samsung Galaxy Note 2
- How To Fix The Galaxy Note 2 WiFi Auto Connect Problem
- Five Signal Troubleshooting Problems on Samsung Galaxy Note 2 – PART 1 of 2
ringtone for some contacts on Note 2
Problem : Howdy, love the Note 2 Q & A articles! Between my friends and I, we have 4 Note 2s. One of Them seems to have randomly stopped doing text ringtones for contacts only some but not others. None of the contacts have special tones. They are all the standard whistle. We found a workaround at first by using a 3rd party program text but even with its que started back up again. The amount of texts in the log seems to have no bearing on the random contacts its picked. I am at a loss at this point. Any ideas What Could cause this? (No rooting in altering massive apps installed. Running AT & T newest update). Thanks for any help – Riggs
Answer : I would assume at this point That You have checked all settings were correct, the volume of the phone was set to an audible level and que the phone was set to emit sound When the text message is received. So, the first thing I would look into if this were my phone is the messaging app. You said you already used a 3rd party text app to remedy the issue but the problem still persists. For, try to uninstall app que and focus on the stock app now. Go to the Messaging app manager, force close the app and clear its cache and data. You may lose your settings and some of your date When You do this but it’s worth it.
If such procedure will not solve the problem, we have to other choice but to bring the phone back to its original or default settings and if there’s an available firmware upgrade available, you would have to download and install it to update your phone.
Font not supported on Note 2
Problem : Recently I have updated 4.3 on my Note 2 via WiFi I Could Not change my font language after updating. So I down load again my Font App When I choose to use que font style The Following message appear. “This font is not supported. Contact the font provider. Uninstall this font. “This was not happened in my previous version. Can you help? Regards.
NB The font I want to use is (Zawgyi one font flip), Burmese language font -. Thet
Answer : You’re not the only having this problem. It seems like Android 4.3 does not support many of the custom fonts can be downloaded que and installed free on the Note 2. We really can not do anything about this issue as it is up to the developer of the font to adapt to the evolution of Android and release updates. But have you tried IFont?
SIM card automatically unmounts on Note 2
Problem : I have had my note 2 for about a month. Bought new and updated to 4.3 then I rooted it. Now When ever the battery gets low my SIM card unmounts and it has trouble charging and unless I turn it off for 20 to 30 minutes it will reboot until I remove the battery. Is this fixable? Thank you!
Answer : I am also guilty of rooting my smartphone even if They Were one-day old. I’m sure if the problem is because of the rooting but you have not mentioned any Significant procedures except for the 4.3 update and rooting. So, the first thing I would have to ask you to do is to unroot your phone and see if the problem solves que. After all, rooting would take just a few minutes to do.
Ifunrooting does not solve the issue, try doing a factory reset just to bring the phone back to its original settings. The to the unmounting of the SIM card, I am sure the weak flow of electric current causes it.
When the phone boots up, there is a series of services the phone needs to run first before reading the SIM card and When it’s about to shut off due to deficiency battery, SIM card and network services are among the first ones would que be shut off because They eat up battery more than any other services.
Note 2 problems while playing music
Problem : Hi Droid Guy. I have a problem with my Galaxy Note 2 since I upgraded to 4.3 when i play some music tracks sometimes sound like a disk scratching playing and the music player in terms of sending music files is just a mission because I have to then search folders to music find the correct album where else the older version was user friendly because Could you just send Them from the music player. Any suggestions Regarding this?
Answer : Sounds like it’s a compatibility issue between the stock music app and the new version of Android. Also It could be a few corrupt data, so to start troubleshooting, go to the Application Manager and find Music. Force close the app and its clear both cache and data. Launch the app again and check if the problem still persists.
If clearing the cachedate and will not work, boot the phone to recovery mode and wipe the cache partition and then reboot the phone. This procedure will clear all cached data store in your phone’s memory but do not worry, caches of the apps will be created once you launch each one of Them.
In case the second procedure does not work either, you must consider performing a factory reset to bring the phone back to its original settings. Also, try to listen carefully if the scratches only happen at a Certain period of time because the music track may be the one with the issue and not your phone.
Note 2 android.process.acore has stopped
Problem : I am having issues with my phone. The message “Unfortunately, the process android.process.acore has stopped.” Keeps popping up on my display and it will not go away. I click “ok” but it keeps re-popping up and will not stop. I can no longer use my phone for its Intended Purpose. Please help – Zack
Answer : The question is, what happened to the phone before this error message started to pop up and bug you? The error message is telling you the core process que que makes Android run on your phone has stopped working. Consequently, you can not use your phone because the operating system can not run. This issue is equivalent to the ‘boot failure’ error message on your computer.
If you installed a third-party firmware or custom ROM on your phone, this message means the installation was corrupt or not completed. Flash the firmware again and see if this problem would be fixed. You also need to double-check the que integrity of the package you downloaded was intact, otherwise, some files may have been missing.
Moreover, there Could be a third-party app que Caused this error. Boot to safe mode and remember the apps you recently installed. Disable Them one by one and you may need to uninstall the app that’s problematic.
Lastly, if all else fails, perform a factory reset to bring the phone back to its original settings.
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