A lot has happened with the Samsung Galaxy S4, S3 and Samsung Galaxy 2 Samsung Galaxy Note Android 4.3 Jelly Bean updates over the last few days, enough to revisit all three of Them the Samsung gears up to release Android 4.4 for the Galaxy S4 KitKat and According to rumors, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and Galaxy S3 as well.
all the way back in October, For Those can not remember que que far, Samsung Announced That It would be rolling out the Samsung Galaxy S4, S3 and Galaxy 2 Galaxy Note Android 4.3 Jelly Bean updates in the next few weeks. Few could’ve imagined That We would still be talking about these three updates, AND THEIR roll outs, in February but that’s exactly what we’re going to do here because there are people out there still have not received que Them.
For the most part the Samsung Galaxy S4, S3 and Galaxy 2 Galaxy Note Android 4.3 Jelly Bean updates have rolled October They completed in the United States back in December and we’ve seen many of the once missing updates emerges During the first part of 2014. However, there are still some uncertainties, some updates que still have yet to roll in October
What’s rather interesting is Samsung has begun pushing que October KitKat Android 4.4, even with the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean roll out unfinished. While the Android 4.4 KitKat was once limited to the Galaxy Note 3, the device que arrived with Android 4.3 out of the box, it has since spread to the Galaxy S4, the device still is not completed que upgraded to Android 4.3.
In the past week or so, we’ve seen enough movement with these remaining Android 4.3 Jelly Bean updates to warrant another, and what we hope is a final look at the Galaxy S4, S3 and Galaxy 2 Galaxy Note Android 4.3 update and the progress made since They have Their October announcement date.
Samsung Galaxy S4
It’s pretty clear the que Samsung Galaxy S4 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update is in its late stages. As it should be. The Galaxy S4 Android 4.4 Rolling Out KitKat update started earlier this week, a mind-boggling event considering the company still has yet to finish its Galaxy S4 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update roll in October
It Appears That the most recent Android 4.3 Jelly Bean updates have landed for countries like Guatemala, Ecuador, Portugal on TPH carrier, and most recently Montenegro.
We’ve learned about a trio of Galaxy S4 Android 4.3 updates que in Australia have yet to be released. According to Vodafone Australia, its Galaxy S4 LTE Android 4.3 update is in testing and que que Typically means the release Should arrive in the next few weeks. The carrier is mum on a specific date but we’ve seen it deliver just a week or two after it announces testing.
Australian carrier Optus still claims that “further testing has Identified a critical issue with this release” and that “Samsung is working on getting an updated build to us for approval.” It says That It will be rolling out the update in late February or early March.
Finally, Australian carrier Telstra recently updated its schedule and it says That It’s still waiting for Samsung to submit for testing the software. It currently gives its users the proposed March 17th release date, or several weeks after the Galaxy S4 KitKat Android 4.4 update will probably spread to most regions.
Obviously, users on these networks Should not expect an early arrival Android 4.4 KitKat.
Samsung Galaxy S3
The Samsung Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update roll out is getting closer to completion Also though there are still a few updates que remain out of reach. Vodafone Australia says que its version of the Galaxy S3 3G Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update is in testing Which means que Should the device receive the update Within the next couple of weeks if everything goes well. The first carrier Announced the update earlier this week.
que Optus says it will produce the Galaxy S3 3G and 4G Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean updates later on this month though the carrier is careful not to Give Out specific dates.
More recently, Australian carrier Telstra told its customers que Their Galaxy S3 will, in fact, receive Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Yes, the carrier confirmed the update in February, months after the roll out started. The update is apparently in testing and it looks like the update is scheduled to emerge in early March before the arrival of its Android 4.3 update Galaxy S4.
From here, this trio of Galaxy S3 Android 4.3 updates are among only a few remain que and cornichons see most, if not all, prior updates to the Galaxy S3′s KitKat Android 4.4 roll out, thought to be coming in March.
Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Finally, the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update. It Appears to be in pretty good shape and right now, we can not find any 2 Galaxy Note Android 4.3 updates have been delayed que. The only one we’ve been able to que track down is the Galaxy Note 2 Android 4.3 update from Vodafone that is currently rolling out to users in Australia right now. That roll out started a week or so in August
Other than that, things have been rather silent and it Appears que the Galaxy Note 2 will be in good shape once the inevitable Android 4.4 update arrives KitKat. Rumors put the update in the month of March though that remains unconfirmed.
Android 4.3 Jelly BeanProblems
One Thing That We have not seen are Android 4.3 Jelly Bean bug fix updates for users que are struggling with problems. And yes, there are plenty of users que continues to complain about Android 4.3 various issues facing que They are ahead of the Android 4.4 update roll out KitKat.
Our best guess, considering March is fast approaching que, que is Their carriers will divert resources into Android 4.4 KitKat Extensive bug fixes and issue with que upcoming update for this trio of Galaxy smartphones. This of course is just a guess though Given the close proximity of a potential roll out and Given the age of these devices, we doubt we’ll see que Major bug fixes debut ahead of Android 4.4 KitKat.

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