This is the second part of our Samsung Galaxy Note 2 problems and solutions series. In this post, I will be answering at least 15 questions or problems sent by our readers through our mailbag ([email protected]). Try to browse through the post and see if your problem was included. If not, then read the first part: Samsung Galaxy Note 2:. Problems, Questions, Solutions, Fixes [Part 1]
If your problems
weren’t answered, feel free to send us email and we will gladly find Appropriate solutions for you. We may not be able to respond to your emails but rest assured I am reading each one of Them. For those who have sent us emails already, subscribe to our newsletter so That You Will Be Notified as soon as I post articles like this.
Micro SD card unmounting problem
Q1: Hello guyz. I am just wondering. This afternoon I woke up to check my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 then suddenly there is a notification message Informing that me or my memory card was accidentally pulled out (Which as you know is impossible since Relatively memory card is inside the back casing.). Now it’s not working and When I tried it to other units, it can not be opened. Oh. Also I’ve tried to insert an old micro SD slot to my, it works just can I possibly retrieve my Media files on my broken card. Please help me. Thanks -. Kayle
Answer : Sounds like a micro SD card problem to me. Based on testimonies of people who have experienced having Their SD card damaged, the first sign is That It would randomly unmount. You will be able to notice this one because your phone will tell you so. The SD card would still work like usual but there will come a time That It will just stop. So, now’s the early, backup all your data and prepare yourself for the time you would not be able to access your external storage. Physically unmount it from your phone and let your laptop read from it, then copy all data while you still can. Buying a new one would be your only option if you want to have an expanded storage in your phone. I know some people who Claimed to have defective fixed micro SD card but for me, it’s just not worth it. Buy a new micro SD card.
solution Related:
- Top 4 Samsung Galaxy Note 2 microSD Card Problems You Might Face
Unresponsive screen
Q2 : Sir, please advise how to release the screen display (while using the internet picture screen and the touchscreen even stuck on off switch not working). Expecting for your reply -. Kesava
Answer : When a phone like the Galaxy Note 2 freezes and is not responding to whatever keys you press or tap, the best solution is to pull the battery out to turn it off. Turn the phone back on to see if it can boot up normally. If not, try booting to Safe Mode up and if it’s successful, it means a third-party app Could be interfering with the regular operation. You need to find it and uninstall. If the freezing happens more Often, clear cache and data of TouchWiz from Application Manager. If it persists, you have no other option but to do a factory reset. It is advisable to you via the recovery mode.
Related solutions:
- Top 5 Galaxy Note 2 Display Problems You Might Encounter [How To Fix Them]
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Random Screen Movements
Word prediction gone
Q3 : Hi, after updating to 4.3 the keyboards has lost its word prediction at the top of the keyboard. How do I get it back? And my phone more Often than not rejects my home Wi-Fi in favor of the mobile network stating the connection is too slow. Never had this problem. How do I “lock” into the Wi-Fi connection – Melt
Answer : I’m not sure if there’s compatibility issues but try clearing the cache partition via recovery mode. You see, clearing the cache partition will delete all data used by apps to run normally but not your or personalization settings. Thus, it is logical to do Also the factory reset in case of clearing the cache partition does not work. The Wi-Fi to the issues, try turning off mobile network first then observe if the WiFi disconnects automatically. It could be a problem with the network or with the router. Of course, make sure you are at a reasonably close range from the hotspot. If the Wi-Fi Power Save mode is on, disable it.
solution Related:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Has Missing, Unresponsive Keys or Buttons
Starting to service
Q4 : I accidentally pressed Force Stop on HP Print Service Plugin app on my Note 2. How do I undo it? I tried turning off the power, removing the battery but did not help. The “Force Stop” button is still greyed. Thanks -. M Lee
Answer : Since you said your accidentally force-stopped HP Print Service Plugin, I would assume it is a service and there is an app that uses it. You could be able to start this service again by simply running the app that uses it. If it is a standalone, However, try going to Application Manager and swipe to All tab and find it there. I’m not really familiar with this service so try to check if there is a button That Could start it manually.
Can not turn on hotspot
Q5 : Hi, I have a Note 2, unlock Solavei on the network, I recently upgraded to the latest version of android and since then I can not turn on the hot spot on the phone, the phone tells me que my current plan under T-Mobile does not have hotspot, but before que upgrade It’s working perfectly, please help me -. Juan Carlos
Answer : You’re not actually the first one to complain about this. I have read from other forums about this problem and I Found Out carriers, Especially Those que offer mobile hotspot services, the function disabled by purpose. So, the first thing you ask yourself is Should Whether you have subscribed for hotspot plan under T-Mobile. If you have not then que Explains why you can not turn it on. If you have, then call your service provider and have its representative enable the option for you.
Android 4.3 updateinterrupted
Q6 : Hello . I have not been able to update my Note 2 (AT & T) to Android 4.3. It downloads the update just fine but after it reboots the install says That It’s interrupted and will not continue. I went to an AT & T device support center and They Said que had 4.3 bug issues for the Note 2 They weren’t sure and When They would be fixed. Do you have any information about this? Could it be que AT & T might skip 4.3 for the Note 2 and go straight to 4.4? Thanks – Jason
Answer : If the representative Explicitly told you que the 4.3 update was buggy, That Could be true. But That does not answer the question why the update process can not push through. But yes, I have read reports in early January que AT & T’s Android 4.3 update Suffered setbacks and there were actually people who have successfully updated Their phone but ended up complaining due to bugs. Actually the roll has already finished so if you have not updated your phone yet, you better wait for the upcoming 4.4 update instead. This time, I hope it’s stable.
Related news:
- AT & T Galaxy Note 2 finally getting the Android 4.3 update
Gallery stops working
Q7 : Hi, When I try to “share” a photo from “gallery” it fails and says gallery quit working. Galaxy Note 2. Please advise. Thank you -. Cindy
Answer : I’m not sure what you’re trying social network to share your photos but if it has an official app like Facebook and Twitter, try clearing its cache and data then ‘Force Stop ‘The Gallery app from the Application Manager, clear the cache and clear data. In case you have hundreds, if not Thousands, of photos saved in your phone, try copying the old ones to your computer and delete Them from your phone to make it easier for the gallery to manage remaining photos. This behavior can Also be Caused by a defective microSD card because the app would take too long to read from the external storage device until Android system forces it to stop, so check your SD card as well.
Can not boot up after rooting
Q8 : I have a Galaxy Note 2 and I tried to root it, now it just will not boot past the Samsung logo, can you help me with this problem. Thanks -. Bounarith
Answer : The rooting may not have been successful or was interrupted. Try doing the process again and see if the problem solves que. If not, then clear the dalvik cache, cache partition and factory reset from the recovery mode via the.
solution Related:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Stuck in Boot Loop
Q9 : DroidGuy Hey, I have been having problems with my S Note on my phone. Whenever I launch the app it will load for 4 seconds then crash. This kept happening over and over and I cleared my cache and everything. Please help! Thanks – Joseph
Answer : If you have cleared the cache and data of service S Note and the problem persists, then try checking the amount of RAM left. If the RAM is too low, S Note can not run because it requires a lot of services to function well Thus eat up a lot of RAM too. But if the S Note stops working for no apparent reason, there’s no other options left but to perform a factory reset to clear all your settings. Of course, you need to backup all your data before doing so.
Weak Wi-Fi performance
Q10 : Hi Droid Guy, it’s an old problem I’m suffering with: weak Wi-Fi performance When there is a strong signal. I have read your other posts on curing it but none work for very long. Its so bad that I’ve had to radically up my data package (from 1Gb to 10Gb per month) to compensate, Despite hopping from Wi-Fi hotspot to Wi-Fi hotspot! On my next upgrade I was Certain to go with the latest version of the Note but now I’m not quite so sure. I love every other aspect of the phone, I’m just very frustrated with this perennial annoyance. Is this issue the most common Reported problem with the Note 2 and Note 3 is the similar sufferer of this annoying foible? Kind regards -. Mark
Answer : Yeah, Wi-Fi issues are among the most common problems Reported by Note 2 owners but They Were already addressed through updates. The Note 3 seems to be a lot more stable than the Note 2 but of course, there are still some problems. You know, it’s Difficult for me to comment on this issue because I really do not know the speed of your data transmission. Have you called your service provider, by the way, and ask why you were experiencing slow browsing on your devices? Wi-Fi Strong signal is not a guarantee you get fast internet connection, it’s just an indicator how near you are from the hotspot,. Of course, the longer the distance data would travel wirelessly, the slower your connection would be
Related solutions:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 WiFi Not Working Even with Strong Signal
- Quick Recap on Fixing the Galaxy Note 3 Unstable WiFi Connection
Videos / photos damaged after shot
Q11 : Hello . I am having a problem with some videos and photos after They are shot / taken with my Note 2. Most of the time I can see them in my gallery but when i click on some of Them, I get an icon that looks like the video / photo is damaged. I have tried other photo apps but nothing seems to work and my videos, When they play, are in a really small window. Hopefully you will have some answers for me. Thanks so much for your help -. Tara
Answer : This is actually one sign your microSD card is broken, not detected or has been unmounted leaving the gallery app with nothing to show but the default picture or video icon with lightning bolt in the middle . It means the que file can not be located or loaded, Thus, thumbnails are Also unavailable. The videos to the tiny, well, try adjusting the resolution of your video camera, it’s better to set it to the highest. But a word of advice:. Backup all your data from your microSD card before it’s too late
Related posts:
- Can not Delete Pictures From Gallery On Samsung Galaxy Note 2 [Answered]
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Problem: Photos Can not Be Opened
scroll back to the top
Q12 : Problem when I’m in driving. When i try to scroll through my network, it keeps scrolling back to the top of the list. I’ve tried adjusting the motion settings, but que has not resolved my issue. Sprint told me I need to do a hard reset in-store, but I’d prefer not to do that. Any solutions – Dickerson
Answer : Boot the phone to Safe Mode to stop third-party apps from running leaving only the stock apps. While in safe mode, try scrolling through your contacts with the driving mode is enabled and see if the problem is still there. If not, then at least there’s an app que Interferes with your phone’s standard operation. You need to find que app and disable or uninstall it. If the problem is still happening, try to find out if your version of the Note 2 has the ‘Double Tap to Top’ feature and disable it.
Latest updates already installed
Q13 : Hi guys . I bought my Note 2 on 1st week of February 2013 from Kuwait. Now I am residing in India. A month after getting it, I updated it to android 4.1.2. Now almost all the noted 2s getting updated to Android 4.3 via OTA updates. But when i check for updates it shows que the latest updates have already been installed. Is it because I got it from Kuwait.? What should I do to update it – Jephin
Answer: First of all, check the version of your firmware and see if it’s not the latest version. Try initiating search update through Settings, if it would still say you have the latest version even if it’s not, you need the help of Samsung KIES. Download Kies and install it to your computer. Connect your phone and try to pull down updates via your computer.
Fast battery draining problem
Q14 : Hey guys, since the recent update my Samsung Note 2 batteries have been draining rather quickly. In an hour loose> 20% of battery power. I have asked Numerous Note 2 and Note 3 owners and They complain of the same problem. Thanks -. Mobolaji
Answer : Well, there are a lot of factors That Could Contribute to the rate of battery drain in the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. If you have installed a lot of apps already, take time to force close the ones you do not use via the Application Manager. Adjust your screen’s brightness to a lower level and turn off date features like Wi-Fi, mobile data, Bluetooth, etc.. Try to clear your phone’s RAM every now and then. But overtime, battery’s performance would deteriorate Also and that’s the biggest setback because you do not have other choice but to buy a new one.
solution Related:
- Fixing Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Battery Drains Quickly That
Delayed text messages
Q15 : Droid guy, I received an update on my 4.3 Note 2 and the text messages stopped. Verizon gave me another Note 2 and as soon as the phone received the 4.3 update in the text. I did get some text later, but it was the same text four or five times. My friends text me and text They would arrive four or five days later. What can I do to get this problem fixed – Roger
Answer Sounds like a network problem to me. When a text message is received more than once, it means que there was a time When the phone did not have service, or there was a disruption. So, Verizon may have the answer to your question. But do your part, if you’re using any third-party text messaging apps, uninstall Them As They may interfere. Try sending a text message to your own number and see if you can send and receive it. If you can successfully send, it means there’s no problem with the phone’s ability to connect to the network and send data. When your service provider offers to replace your phone with another unit, always ask what the problem really was.
solution Related:
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Duplicate Contacts, Drips and Texts
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