There has been quite a lot of commotion in recent days Regarding Samsung’s Android 4.4 updates for its KitKat S4 Galaxy, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note and 2 smartphones Particularly, in the United States. With news update swirling, it’s time to take a close look at the Android 4.4 update KitKat situation for Galaxy smartphone users in the U.S.
Back in October, Google Announced the Android 4.4 update KitKat, an incremental update to the Android operating system and the company delivered one que to its Nexus devices shortly after it was Announced. As the weeks have gone on, more and more devices have seen KitKat Their Android 4.4 updates arrive on the scene, bringing not only Android 4.4 KitKat unique features but enhancements and fixes depending on manufacturer.
While it was slow in the beginning, Samsung, the world’s most popular Android manufacturer, picked things up with two Android 4.4 update roll outs KitKat que Began earlier this year. We’ve even started to see things heat up in the United States, a region that is not known for its swift Android updates.
Surprisingly, much of the Samsung Galaxy Android 4.4 upgrade KitKat news has centered on the United States, a key region for Samsung in its battle against the likes of Apple and HTC. And this is Something That Has Galaxy device owners inside of the U.S. extremely excited.
In recent days, we’ve seen information start to swirl and point to a number of upcoming Android 4.4 updates for KitKat carriers in the United States. With so much information Out, it can be hard to digest, but not if it’s all in one place.
Here, we want to breakdown everything we’ve seen or heard que about the Samsung Galaxy S4, Galaxy Note 3, Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note and KitKat 2 Android 4.4 updates for the United States the deeper we move into February and closer to a number of Android 4.4 updates for U.S. users.
Samsung Galaxy S4
The Android 4.4 Samsung Galaxy S4 KitKat update roll out is underway and here is how the situation looks for Those in the United States, at least for the moment.
AT & T
weeks ago, the AT & T Galaxy S4 KitKat leaked Android 4.4 update in October, confirming its arrival ahead of Samsung’s official announcement. The leak confirmed Essentially what Samsung confirmed yesterday. That the Galaxy S4 KitKat Android 4.4 update is going to be incremental instead of a major overhaul for U.S. Galaxy S4 users.
Despite the leak, the AT & T Galaxy S4 Android 4.4 update KitKat remains out of reach. There is not a release date though there is one clue que points to a possible release in the near future.
We recently discovered a listing que shows the black AT & T Galaxy S4 running the Android 4.4 KitKat. The listing is on Samsung’s website and there is not just one listing, the Android 4.4 KitKat name is prominently displayed twice. In other Android 4.4 device shows KitKat on board.
Earlier this month, Sprint surprised a lot of people When It Announced the Galaxy S4 KitKat Android 4.4 update roll in October The roll out last week and it Began the same features expresso That We saw leak on board the AT & T Galaxy S4 and update the same features Samsung que detailed in its announcement yesterday.
Android 4.4 Here is the full change log for KitKat Sprint Galaxy S4 users:
- Android 4.4 (Kit Kat)
- :. 4 The Samsung Galaxy S device will be updated to support the Android 4.4 (Kit Kat) software
- Prevention Information alert: Customers Should no longer receive “Prevention Information – An application has been forced to stop for an unauthorized attempt to access system in your device. It may be safe to delete an application Obtained from an unauthorized route. Check now? “Alert messages on the device.
- Zact Mobile:. device now includes the Zact Mobile compatibility
que notes the update will be released in stages que Which means there are some users who are Likely still waiting for the update. Usually it takes around 10 days or so for the update to emerge in its Entirety.
T-Mobile itself has not confirmed the Galaxy S4 Android 4.4 update for KitKat arrival but que que does not mean an update is not coming. Samsung did the dirty work yesterday Carriers When It confirmed the Galaxy S4 Android 4.4 update for the United States. It did not Single Out Specifically T-Mobile but it did not Single Out any carriers.
Instead, it simply Noted que release dates will differ based on carrier, something que seasoned veterans know Android is always the case with software upgrades. The update is coming, and we expect T-Mobile to push the update October Within the next couple of weeks as it looks to keep pace with its Competitors.
U.S. Cellular
According to the leaked document, the U.S. Cellular Galaxy S4 Android 4.4 update KitKat Should arrive today, February 19th. The leaked document came from Android Central , a solid source, que Which means there is a very good chance That We Could see the update roll out at some point today.
Thus far, we have not seen any sign of the update in the usual places though That Could certainly change soon. At the very least, today’s target date is to sign the update que probably is not very far off, even if it does not touch down today.
U.S. Cellular Galaxy S4 owners will Likely be faced with the staged roll out Which means que repeated attempts to pull the update will not work for many people. Again, Typically it takes around two weeks for updates to complete.
Surprise, surprise. We still have not seen any mention of a Verizon Galaxy Note Android 4.4 3 KitKat. This should not come to much of a surprise que Given Verizon is perpetually in the bottom half of Carriers When It Comes To timing for major Android updates.
It did show some signs of progress with the Galaxy S4 Android 4.3 Jelly Bean update but it was dead last amongst major carriers to the Android 4.3 Jelly Bean updates for both the Galaxy S3 and Galaxy Note 2. It’s possible That It Could be last here.
Other Carriers
We have not seen any updates either smaller carriers confirm though we expect the carriers C Spire Wireless, Cricket and others to put forth like Android 4.4 updates KitKat For Their Galaxy S4 variants.
These carriers deliver
Typically Their updates in the days and weeks after the major roll outs so users Them Should not expect to be on the forefront of the roll Out. Instead, They Will be on the tail end of it.
Samsung Galaxy Note 3
The Samsung Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4 update is KitKat Also active and here is how the situation looks for Those Who own the phablet in the United States.
AT & T
Several weeks ago, we saw the Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4 update leak KitKat for the AT & T model. In fact, the update leaked out on the same day to the AT & T Galaxy S4 Android 4.4 update KitKat. Oddly enough, we still have not seen the end of update roll out to the public though que leak, along with Samsung’s announcement, confirm it for arrival.
Sprint’s Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4 update is close KitKat. How do we know that? Simple. Samsung posted the Sprint Galaxy Note Android 4.4 3 KitKat’s source kernel update to its developer website yesterday que Which means an OTA roll out is imminent Likely. We saw Sprint announce the Galaxy S4 KitKat Android 4.4 update just a day after Samsung posted its kernel source to its website.
We have not seen any signs of the update today though the day is far from over. Typically, these Sprint announces its updates through software update pages Which means que Galaxy Note 3 owners Should be able to find the announcement here either on Sprint’s website or here on Samsung’s website.
Like the Galaxy S4 KitKat Android 4.4 update, we expect the Galaxy Note 3 update to be incremental and take several days to reach every Sprint Galaxy Note 3 user.
word on the T-Mobile Galaxy Note 3 update just yet though again, Samsung confirmed Android 4.4 for the Galaxy Note KitKat 3 in the U.S. Which means That It will more than Likely be coming to T-Mobile at some point in the future.
While we can not pinpoint a specific date just yet, carriers release updates Often Within a few days or weeks of each other Which means que T-Mobile Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4 update is KitKat Likely Given the close proximity of the Sprint and U.S. Cellular Galaxy Note 3 updates.
U.S. Cellular
The U.S. Cellular Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4 update KitKat, like the Galaxy S4 Android 4.4 update KitKat, has been pegged for today thanks to a leaked document from Android Central .
We have not seen the update Announced just yet though again, there is still plenty of time left in the day. Once the update is Announced, Will it Appear on Samsung’s website and on U.S. Cellular’s software upgrade page.
The update is expected to be incremental and like all Samsung software updates, It Should take a number of days to roll in October The leaked document Suggests the 10 day roll out period Which means That We Could see the complete software before the end of February. That is, if it rolls out today as planned.
We have not seen any news about the Verizon Galaxy Note 3 update either. Again, Verizon is Typically near the back of the pack When It Comes To Major Android updates for older devices so it would not be surprising to see the last carrier to the Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4 update release KitKat. That’s not confirmed of course but it does not look like it will be first.
Samsung Galaxy S3
Yesterday, Samsung confirmed the Galaxy S3 Android 4.4 update KitKat for the first team, confirming roll out for the United States excellant. This is huge for Those Who bought into the device in 2012 because it means That It still has some life left. Obviously, it’s Also good news for all Galaxy S3 owners in the United States but Especially Those Who have endured.
So while we know That It Will Likely land for all U.S. carriers including AT & T, Sprint, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, Verizon and a host of smaller carriers, we just do not know when.
Rumors point to a release starting in March or April, after the arrival of the Galaxy S4 KitKat Android 4.4 update. Those dates aren’t for the United States in particular but They Do some expectations Provide For Those in the U.S.
The U.S. has been near the front of many of the latest Android updates Galaxy so it’s possible That We Could it be see in the front of the line for the Galaxy S3 Android 4.4 update KitKat. And That Could mean March or April.
Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Same goes for the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Samsung confirmed the update for arrival in the United States, not surprising Given the age of the Galaxy Note 2, though it did not say when the update would start rolling in October It did say que the update’s release would depend on carrier.
Like the Galaxy S3 Android 4.4 update KitKat, the Galaxy Note 2 Android 4.4 update is KitKat Also rumored for March or April Which means That We Could see Samsung produce roll similar to the Galaxy Note and Galaxy S4 3 outs Which are Rolling Out simultaneously. Look for the update to stretch across several weeks inside of the United States carriers work to complete the testing.

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