Every time a new phone is released, and videos with drop tests, we can also count on every other kind of bizarre experiment to see if it resists being frozen or played in an acidic basin. Among a sea of useless, some channels not bother to do more useful things like teach disassemble your new handset for those who like to create custom hardware, or better understand the workings of their devices.
A new video was released showing this kind of testing in relation to the brand new Galaxy Note 5. The first thing we can see it is how it is difficult to open, requiring much effort from the user. To force open and see how well-done is the cell phone from Samsung was necessary a suction cup, a nylon spudger, small philips screwdriver, one iSesamo opening tool, other improvised tools like guitar picks and playing cards, and finally, a heat gun. Even with all these “features” the phablet proved very difficult to open.
What does all this mean? That is if your cell break, just wait it to be exchanged. The Galaxy Note 5 was not meant to have her replaced parts, least not for anyone other than a professional’s own Samsung ultra qualified, which makes it actually a less durable life, since the repair is usually pretty expensive for a . average user, making up more buy another mobile
Nevertheless, the curiosity is how the inside of a Galaxy Note 5 in the video below:

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