According to research conducted by American Cosnumer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) with 70 thousand users of smartphones in the United States, the Galaxy Note 4, current phablet top Samsung line was evaluated with the highest score among all registered models. This means that those who bought the model of the South Korean are more satisfied with what the machine has to offer than other companies like Apple, Motorola, HTC and LG.
On a scale that goes 0-100, consumers of smartphones in the US gave the Galaxy Note 4 the note 86 points . Second comes the previous model with 82 points , followed by the iPhone 6 Plus, Galaxy S5 and iPhone 6, which earned the same score in the survey. This shows that even Apple products have a large sale in the US market, consumers are more satisfied with what Samsung has to offer.
most interesting part is that the first five of the table, three are phablets. This shows that the public really likes a cell phone with 5.5 inch screen or larger. Where we can conclude that Apple made the right attitude to bet on this segment and launch new iPhones with bigger screens in 2014. Speaking at Apple, she and Samsung were empaths when asked respondents which brand they trust most. This value is a little different from last year, where South Korea was the favorite of American consumers.
Leaving aside the two great rivals, we can see that even Motorola smartphones have not been on top 5 the ranking of satisfaction, the company comes third as the favorite of the Americans to reach 79 points . Fourth we have the BlackBerry with 78 points and HTC on Thursday with 77 .
Research also shows the sanctification level in the use of smartphones, regardless of the model evaluated. For sending and receiving messages, one 85 score was conquered Next comes the ease of performing tied links with the device size as well as his paintings. In fourth position we are pleased with the features that are offered by the company a total of 83 points, getting to the fifth picture quality reproduced by the devices.
(updated on June 3, 2015 at 14:25)

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