Samsung, besides being the largest handset manufacturers worldwide, is a leading name in the emerging category of vesíveis gadgets. With its Gear line, carrying both the Android Wear as Tizen as operating systems, the company based in South Korea won a privileged position when it comes to smart watches, but most praised design does not belong to one of their products. Motorola Moto 360 and its circular appearance won strong positive reviews the course of the tests after its release.
Knowing this, Samsung may have noticed that smart accessories with round displays are, in fact, the most attractive in the eyes of consumers. Consequently, the existence of a Gear with display-shaped circumference began to be cited by sources allegedly close to the matter, increasing the anxiety of the fans of the Asian company in relation to the launch of a rounded smartwatch . However, for the misfortune of enthusiasts, the official announcement of the small device may have been postponed to the second half of this year.
Following its standard calendar, the last semesters are always very important for Samsung. During this period, the line Galaxy Note is usually updated, gaining a new member with improved components and technologies in order to pursue leadership in the category of phablets. In 2015, the fifth generation of the family of devices with advantaged screen should be officially announced, bringing a display in Quad HD resolution (2560 x 1440 pixels) and a vesão improved processor and graphics card present in the actual number of South Korean, Exynos .
Regarding the Gear with circular screen, Samsung has just confirmed its production to provide the development kit for developers who want to create applications for the wearable gadget platform, publishing the architecture of a round clock. There’s even the possibility of Romero Britto, a Brazilian artist who has a great reputation abroad, be directly involved in drawing up the small device. Let’s wait until the Asian company decides to release official information on the future of their smart accessories.

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