When he announced the arrival of the Edge Galaxy Note mobile device market, the Samsung has brought a new way of interacting with smartphones since the device has a Side Screen . Now, does this newness makes fragile gadget? According to Samsung itself does not.
The Korean company, to learn that many users were with this doubt, decided to write on your official blog to treat all consumers calm wishing to purchase the Galaxy Note Edge, which is about to be released in the United States.
According to Samsung, when designing the device, its developers thought about possible damage to the side screen could suffer a fall, for instance. Thus, it was resolved that the device count with metal frame in your surroundings, for better strength.
After building the first units of the Galaxy Note Edge, developers did over thousand drop tests with the device, and other durability tests , and it was proved that the device is tough.
Yet Samsung claims that the resistance of phablet is similar to any other device in its line, ie, do not wait for an indestructible device, since the Galaxy Note Edge was not designed with that intention.
The Samsung was also questioned by people around the world about possible accidental touches that occur at the Edge Galaxy Note we hold the device, after all, the side screen is pressed.
According to the Korean company, its developers also thought about this possibility, so users need not worry with accidental touches made on the device.
This information is essential for users who wish to acquire a model of the Galaxy Note Edge. The problem for us Brazilians, is that up to now Samsung would not comment on the launch of the device in our market.
So if you want to get the new Samsung phablet with side screen, you must import the device, or else wait until the Korean company was talk will or will not bring the Galaxy Note Edge to Brazil .

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