As usual, the Samsung should release their next top of the line smartphone, the Galaxy S6 , in the first months of the year comes, ie, the device must be one of the major releases of early 2015.
Recently disclosed that details were leaked Galaxy S6, and until then it is known as Project Zero. This is due to the fact that Samsung intends to make the biggest transformation in your main line of smartphones since the release of the first version.
Apparently, the Galaxy S6 can have inspired its Galaxy Note Edge, with the presence of the screen on the side of the device design. The difference is that the next top of the line smartphone from Samsung should have the new on both sides of the device , while the Edge has Gallaxy Note the use on only one side.
The information was passed by Jerry Kang , senior analyst at IHD Technology . Jerry mentioned during a conference geared to analysts last Thursday, November 6th, the Galaxy S6 will be launched with a curved screen on the sides Direct and left .
Also according to Jerry, this design was originally designed for the Galaxy Note Edge , however, the last time the Samsung decided to make a curved screen on one side, to leave the design cited for Galaxy S6.
Of course information is unofficial , then there is no way to know if Samsung really make a drastic change in the design of their next device top line. If he decides to do, the novelty should move the market , however, remains to be seen whether it will be a move good or negative , given that there is no how to know if the device would be well accepted by consumers.
And you, reader, like to see a curved screen on both sides of the Galaxy S6 ? Let us know what you think about it.

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