Blank Display
Blank screen display can be Indicated by batter drained, insufficient power, physical or liquid inside or due to an unresponsive application.
1. Recharge it for at least 10 minutes before turning it on.
2. Turn on the device by pressing and holding the power key.
3. Remove the battery while it is turned on and let it rest for a minute then put it back.
4. Replace the battery pack Which may be too old for usage.
Dead Pixels
Unusual black or colored dots appearing on the screen Caused by stuck pixels, damage from liquid or third-party applications.
1. Download and install Dead Pixel Test app from the Play Store.
2. Remove the battery for a minute while the device is turned on then put it back. Turn it on to see any dots.
3. If Caused by an app, perform a factory reset on the device after you’ve backed up all data files.
Cracked or Damaged Screen
This is an obvious hardware issue and requires intervention of a technician. Ensure to bring a warranty if still active to get replacement for manufacture defect.
Screen Inked bleeding or the LCD screen is described with an inks or colored lines displayed across the screen but not cracked. It is usually Caused by physical object or liquid trapped inside the device and it is best to consult a technician or visit the service center for repair or replacement.
Screen Not Responding
Unresponsive screen display May Be Caused by wet hands, ace contact affected, liquid damage or an application.
1. Touch the screen with dry hands since Galaxy Note 2 is not water resistant.
2. Remove any covers or casing attached on the device then touch the display again.
3. Clean the display screen with dry cloth to remove grime.
4. Remove the battery for a minute while it is turned on then put it back.
5. Factory Reset will solve any influence done by any application on the display.
Slow Web Pages Slow webpage loading are Caused by several factors such as network traffic, network instability, Wi-Fi signal issues, heavy Web sites, low memory, Flash contents, too many apps and not updated browser.
1. If it is occurring on mobile data connection, contact your network carrier.
2. For Wi-Fi connection, restart both the router and the Wi-Fi radio on your Galaxy Note 2 then reconnect.
3. Update the Web browser, Internet-related apps and the software version of the device.
4. Use third-party apps such as Dolphin Boat or for Web sites with heavy Flash contents to get the plugins enabled.
Fixing Beam S / NFC
class=”tpk”> S Beam NFC or may not work properly Indicated by unable to connect, unable to send, takes time to connect, undetected or radio not turning on.
1. Make sure the file is not que copyrighted or stored on your device.
2. Remove third-party accessory Which may interfere connection.
3. Unlock the device if it will receive the file via NFC.
4. Use the Samsung battery with Near Field Communication printed on the label.
5. Update the software of your Galaxy Note 2.
Mobile Data
Mobile Internet browsing may become a hassle if errors such as Web page not available or can not connect to the Internet appears in front of you.
1. Airplane Mode Should be DISABLED.
2. Disconnect from Wi-Fi connection to switch on mobile data.
3. For, set the device to USE DATE WHEN ROAMING. Roaming
4. Check the network coverage before activating mobile data.
5. Update the software of your device.
6. Contact your network carrier for regional restrictions, roaming and Internet issues.
Sound Problem
Although a rare issue on Galaxy Note 2, it may Indicated on YouTube or playing loud music player app then sudden change to soft level without you doing anything.
1. Enter Safe Mode to check what kind of problem it is – hardware or software
2. Software-related issue is fixable by updating your Galaxy Note 2 or performing the Factory Reset.
3. Hardware-related issue may require you to replace the headphone or visit the service center to find out if the audio port or speakers are damaged.
Random Actions
Sudden shut down or restart is a symptom of illness random action Which are Caused usually by poorly written apps, corrupted files, low memory and running Android OS bugs.
1. Restart the device Regularly to free RAM or use the Task Manager.
2. Uninstall the most recent app you’ve installed Which may be unstable.
3. Install an antivirus app to search for any viruses or malware infected and corrupting data files.
4. Update the software version to get bug fixes.
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