Samsung Galaxy Note 2′s stock gallery app is a good photo manager. Among its basic functions are stocking up photos in an orderly Manner, create thumbnails, view pictures depending on user’s preferences and of course, delete Them if the owner so wishes.
Deletingof photos are very easy yet there are a lot of people who find this so Difficult to the operation because the procedure is not complicated but because deleted photos may still Appear in the gallery moments after They have already been deleted, Which is , of course, to many strange owners.
Well, we have received several emails describing this very same problem. If you are one of the people who is currently bugged by this issue, this post is for you. But do not worry, it’s nothing serious.
Understanding the Problem
Before anything else
, there is some information you need to know about your Android phone. When you take photos using your phone, the gallery app will manage the output. All pictures will be store locally and can be viewed by either navigating to your phone’s internal storage or microSD card or by launching the gallery app.
When your phone is connected to the internet and syncs are on, the photos will automatically be synced to your Google Plus or Picasa accounts (both are Google products). So, there would be multiple copies of your photos. When you delete any photo using the gallery app and the sync is on, copies stored in the cloud will be synced to your phone that is why even When You successfully deleted the picture, it would Appear though the deleted return the item.
Solution to the Problem
Using your common sense, you can solve this problem and you do not even need to have a tech-savvy brain to do this.
- Disconnect your phone from the internet or turn off all syncs.
- Delete photos you want to get rid of.
- Using your computer, log into your Google account and go to Google Plus or Picasa.
- you want deleted photos from Google+ and Picasa.
- From your phone, launch the gallery app and see if you deleted the picture would Appear again.
- If it does then it Could be just the cache so you need to clear Gallery’s cache by going to application manager under Settings.
- will not solve the problem, then proceed with the clearing date.
- Once you deleted the photo from the Gallery, Google+ or Picasa, you can turn back on the syncs.
If clearing the cache
This simple procedure would surely solve problems related to coming back pictures of the gallery app on the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 or any android device. I hope this helps.
To people who may have some insight on other ways to solve this issue, feel free to contact us.
Tell us your phone problems
The solutions we provided here are based on reports and testimonies from owners who have encountered these problems. I also ask my friends XDA developer Regarding some of the problems. Now if you have other questions or problems with your smartphone que you want answered, do not hesitate to send us email at [email protected]
We do not guarantee a reply to all emails because we receive hundreds of Them daily, but rest assured your email messages will be read by me. But I urge you to Provide the details the possible much so i could easily find references and compare your problems with reports from other owners. If your problem is common to the others, Could there already be que solutions exist and I would surely point you to Them. Often screenshots help so if you can attach one.

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