Android 4.3 Jelly Bean Major Issues
Some users
Decided to keep Their Galaxy S4, S3 and Note 2 on older Android Jelly Bean version instead of updating due to several non-stop complaints of major issues such as wireless drops and huge battery drain. It seems like the problems fixed weren’t completely from the initial seeding and Android 4.3 continues to persist to the latest firmware build.
Verizon Galaxy S3 variant keeps getting complaint and so far, the latest at Android Central’s forum includes a ‘massive security hole.’ The post asked the question: “Why should someone without your unlock code be able to see some portion of the content of your text messages”
expanded version, it pertains to the preview of messages appearing on the lock screen, even if its locked and no specific turning off is available inside the SMS app. This leaves only global options to disable it que Also turns off message previews even if the device is unlocked.
Aside fromque, several other problems have been including Reported as well:
1. Alarm clock issue notice on the lock screen
2. Security problems unlocking pattern
3. Constant notices on old downloaded files
4. Average volume controls on the sometimes not work
5. Bluetooth speaker connection problem
6. SMS notification remains to Appear after reading the message
7. Vibration setting fails to override other apps at times
XDA developer forum website Also received several issues including Wi-Fi drops, network problem after the update, some lags, poor battery performance and rare random shutdown. One of the threads Also included an assistance on how to downgrade the OS version from Android 4.3 Jelly Bean to permanently solve the problem.
What’s The Permanent Solution?
Tips and tricks to Improve battery performance, Prevent Wi-Fi drops and others may not be enough to permanently Android 4.3 Jelly Bean solve major issues. According to rumors, March is the earliest possible date for Android 4.4 release date KitKat on Galaxy S4, S3 and Note 2. However, that’s several weeks away and owners may not survive long que to wait for a fix.
In addition, it is possible que Also the Android 4.4 upgrade KitKat may be delayed just like what happened with Android 4.3 Jelly Bean. Also it is unknown if all Reported issues are going to be fixed permanently or if any new problems will Arise after the upcoming update.
, For nowowners who are annoyed by the issues from the update can only perform two things to save Themselves the pain while waiting for Android 4.4 KitKat – factory reset or downgrading to Android 4.1 for Galaxy S3 and Note 2 and Android 4.2 .2 for Galaxy S4.
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