Samsung announced on Monday, the 25th, the arrival of the Grand Galaxy 2, its most affordable foblet and substantial improvements. The model will bring a 5.25 inch TFT display with HD (720P) resolution and a new Quad-core 1.2 GHz processor Broadcom

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new model gained a closer design more expensive brother, the Galaxy Note 3, with longer, thinner (8.9 mm) and rear cover imitation leather body. Moreover, kept efficient 8-megapixel camera of the current generation and also added new features brought by shooting tops Galaxy S4 and Note 3. There smart features like Best Face, Best Picture, Sound and Picture and continuous shooting. To complete the hardware settings of the Grand 2, it has 1.5 GB of RAM, 8 GB of data with microSD up to 64 GB and 2600 mAh battery.
The device will be offered in dual-chip and single-chip version, and can be found in white, black and pink. Its price and the date of start of sales not yet been informed by the company, but based on the current generation, the model is expected to cost between £ 1,000 and £ 1,500.
Via Samsung

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