Samsung began shipping a new update to the Galaxy Note 5, its current most powerful phablet, later on Thursday, May 5th. This is the update that takes the Android security package on the fifth calendar month, continuing the Google project, whose goal is to add layers of protection to the little robot user on a monthly basis, complementing the platform based on the development of virtual threats.
the giant South Korea began the process of replacing the old files in the country of India, where consumers have begun to report the arrival of the pop-up with the steps of the update. The image below, in fact, was sent by one of the Galaxy Note 5 on Indian soil owners, showing the specific details of the update and the steps for installing the software.
“What’s New. This software update may include, but is not limited to: improving device stability and error correction; new or improved tools, specific improvement in performance. To get the best from your phone, please keep it updated and often search for software updates, “said Samsung in its pop-up update.
The size of the files that necessarily need to be downloaded to replace the old is 360 MB, available only for the SM-N920G model, marketed in India. Galaxy Note 5 is currently in version 6.0.1 of Android Marshmallow, keeping the same encoding in May security package. Knowing this, wait for a safer smartphone, but with exactly the same characteristics before.
The firmware build changes, however, going to the N920GDDU2BPD3 . This is similar to the update sent by Samsung Galaxy S7 and S7 Galaxy Edge, released in mid-April. Google often sends security updates to its official website a month before, so the May arrives in April and so on. Knowing this, we note that Samsung is not being able to keep pace with the update of Android, although it is clearly prioritizing flagships.
We will continue to monitor the programming of giant updates from South Korea in coming months of 2016. Meanwhile, watch for news on your Galaxy, going on settings & gt; over the phone & gt; software upgrade to seek changes manually. For pop-up appear automatically, however, it is necessary that your device is 50% or more of battery or be plugged in.

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