Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Galaxy S7 must have the visual style Note 5 and protruding camera – Tecmundo

Sam Mobile site published new rumors about the Galaxy S7, the next high-end device from Samsung that should be one of the first major mobile devices 2016. The information came from an anonymous source who claims to have seen the device in person .

According to the source, the device is a kind of smaller version of the Galaxy Note 5, phablet released in 2015. The smartphone, however, has a slight curvature on the back (as well as the Galaxy Z3), an “Home” button circular.

In addition, the camera module would be slightly protruding, creating a small relief on the device rear. If this news is confirmed, there is the issue of battery:. There is little room for further energy source, unless the Galaxy S7 increases in thickness

For now, all information on the smartphone Samsung are rumors, but the device’s announcement to take place in February 2016. Keep an eye on TecMundo!

What do you expect the Galaxy S7? Comment in TecMundo Forum

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