‘}; }} For (i = 0; i 1) {var val = data [1] .replace (‘[', '') .replace (']‘, ”) .split (‘;’); if (val.length == 1) q = reb [i] .Style [1] .replace (‘{1}’, val [0]) replace (‘{2}’, ‘.’); else if (val.length & gt; 1) q = r and b [i] .Style [1] .replace (“{1}” Val [0]) replace (‘{2} “, val [1]).; Return}
Note: The original text and all editions will be visible to all users
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r n’);
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‘;} $ (‘ #done_text ‘) html (t),.} $ (‘ #done click ‘)’) trigger (. ‘ ;} function managesubscription (op, id) {$ ajax ({url: ‘/stream/assinar.html’, data: {id: id, remove: op == ‘un’ 1: 0}, type: ‘? post ‘, dataType:’ json ‘, success: function (a, b, c) {if (a.result == 200) {if (op ==’ un ‘) {$ (‘ #subscribe ‘) removeClass (. .. ‘on’) addClass (‘off’) attr (‘title’, ‘. Signature removed Click to sign again’);} else {$ (‘#subscribe’) removeClass (‘off’) addClass (‘.. on ‘) attr (.’ title ‘,’ Notifications of new messages will be sent to your e-mail Click to remove the signature. ‘);}}}, error: function (a, b) {alert (‘ Error removing signature .. try again later ‘);}, complete: function () {}});} function vote (d, id) {if (loggedIn) {$ (!’ #login click ‘);’) trigger (. ‘ return;} $ ajax ({url: ‘/stream/vote.html’, data: {id: id, d: d}, type: ‘post’, dataType: ‘json’, success: function (a, b , c) {$ (‘#voteup_’ + a.id) .find (‘span’) text (a.voteup).; $ (‘#votedown_’ + A.id) .find (‘span’) text (a.votedown).; if (a.result == 302) done (‘You have already voted for this post’); else if (a.result == 304) done (‘You can not vote for their own posts’); }, Error: function (a, b) {}, complete: function () {}}); Report} function (id) {if (! LoggedIn) {alert (‘You must be logged in to report posts’); . $ (‘#login’) Trigger (‘click’); return; Reason} = $ (‘input [name = "reason"]: checked’, ‘#report_form’); if (reason.length & gt; 0) reason.attr (‘checked’, false); // Since the post is moderated Modred var = false; m = $ (‘#post_’ + id); if (! m.hasClass (‘moderated’)) {$ (‘label [for = "action_3"]‘). hide (); $ (‘# Action_3′). Hide (); //} Checks if the post is deleted d = $ (‘#deleted_’ + id); if (d.length & gt; 0) {$ (‘label [for = "action_0"]‘) text (‘Restore post.’); $ (‘Label [for = "action_1"]‘). Hide (); $ (‘# Action_1′). Hide (); $ (‘Label [for = "action_1_1"]‘). Hide (); $ (‘# Action_1_1′). Hide (); } Else {$ (‘label [for = "action_0"]‘) text (‘Remove post.’); $ (‘Label [for = "action_1"]‘) show ().; $ (‘# Action_1′) show ().; } $ (‘# Action_1′) live (‘click’, function () {var t = $ (this) .is (.. ‘: Checked’) if (t) {$ (‘# action_1_1′) show ( ); $ (‘label [for = "action_1_1"]‘) show ();.} else {$ (‘# action_1_1′) hide ();.. $ (‘label [for = "action_1_1"]‘) hide ();}}); $ (‘#reason_other’). Hide (); . $ (‘#report_id’) Val (id); $ (‘#reason_text’) Val (‘.’); $ (‘#report_error’) Html (‘.’); $ (‘Input: radio’, ‘#report_form’) removeAttr (‘checked’);. $ (‘Input: checkbox’, ‘#report_form’) removeAttr (‘checked’);. . $ (‘#none’) Attr (‘checked’, ‘checked’); . $ (‘#reporting’) Trigger (‘click’); Reply} function (id) {if (loggedIn) {$ (‘#login’) trigger (‘click’).; return; } Username = $ (‘#username_’ + id [2]) text ().; quote = ‘[quote =' + username + ';' + Id [1] + ‘]’ + br2nl ($ (‘#text_’ + id [1]) val ().) + ‘[/Quote] r n’; text = $ (‘#comment_text’) val ().; if (text.length & gt; 0) text + = ‘ r n’; $ (‘#comment_text’) Val (text + quote) .focus. (); IsModerator} function () {var mod = array (1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); return (loggedIn || typeof (groupid) == ‘undefined’ || groupid ‘!); Br2nl} function (s) {return s.replace (‘ n’, ‘ r n’); ZeroesLeft} function (s, w) = {s ’00000′ + s; return s.substr (s.length – p); MakeTimeString} function (stime, literal) {d = new Date (); time = parseInt (d.getTime () / 1000) – stime; // If (literal == typeof ‘undefined’) literal = false; literal = false; if (time & gt; 86400 || literal) {d.setTime (stime * 1000); zeroesLeft return (d.getDate (), 2) + “/” + zeroesLeft (d.getMonth () + 1 2) + “/” + zeroesLeft (d.getFullYear () 4) + ” + zeroesLeft (d .getHours () 2) + ‘:’ + zeroesLeft (d.getMinutes () 2) + ‘:’ + zeroesLeft (d.getSeconds () 2); Units} = new Array (‘year’, ‘month’, ‘week’, ‘day’, ‘hour’, ‘minute’, ‘second’); tokens = new Array (31536000, 2592000, 604800, 86400, 3600, 60, 1); for (u = 0, u 1)? ‘S’: ‘); .fn.extend}} $ ({InsertAtCaret: function (myValue) {if (document.selection) {this.focus (); document.selection.createRange sel = (); sel.text = myValue; this.focus () ;} else if (this.selectionStart || this.selectionStart == ’0′) {var startPos = this.selectionStart; endPos var = this.selectionEnd; var scrollTop = this.scrollTop; this.value = this.value.substring (0, startPos) + + myValue this.value.substring (endPos, this.value.length); this.focus (); this.selectionStart = startPos + myValue.length; this.selectionEnd = startPos + myValue.length; this .scrollTop = scrollTop;} else {+ this.value = myValue; this.focus ();}}}); / * Plugin jQuery.BBCode * Version 0.2 * Based on jQuery.BBCode plugin (http://www.kamaikinproject.ru) * / (function ($ ) {$ .fn.bbcode = function (options) {// default settings var options = $ .extend ({tag_bold: true, tag_italic: true, tag_underline: true, tag_link: true, tag_image: false, button_image: true, image_url: ‘bbimage /’}, options || {}); / / panel var text = ”; $ (this) .Wrap (”);
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