Sunday, June 15, 2014

Galaxy Note 4 may have curved screen version with Full Feature – Circuit Mato Grosso


 In the current market, it really is hard to imagine any function or innovative feature. The trend lately has been to improve existing hardware, but focus more on improving the software and usability. The early integration with wearable devices (wearables), smart watches and other electronics that connect to smartphones is also present in the new products.


 Sources in the South Korean market say it’s likely that Samsung launch the Galaxy Note 4 in two versions: a traditional, with flat screen, and another with a curved screen. The highlight of the unit will be Quad HD resolution (2560 x 1440 pixels), which is 4 times higher than HD resolution. Rumors indicate that the screen is 5.7 inch, resulting in a pixel density of approximately 515 ppi – a very high number. The iPhone 5S, for example, has a density of 326 ppi.


 But experts argue that such a density is not as important, considering that the human eye is only able to distinguish the difference in densities up to 300 ppi – why Apple calls the iPhone resolution “Retina”. But some say that on a screen as big as the Note 4, this number can be advantageous. Just waiting to see.

 The device panel is taken for granted by the Korean site The Korea Times. Already a curved screen will probably be available only in select markets, especially Korea. So do not expect to see anything like that around here.


 Moreover, some question the actual need and usefulness of a curved display. Obviously, devices such as smart watches will take much advantage of curved screens, but a smartphone is difficult. The few arguments supporting technology have to do with ergonomics:. Would fit the device easier to the user’s hands, and fit better in your pocket due to the curvature of the leg


 Besides the high resolution screen, the handset should come with a very powerful processor. The Galaxy Note 3 when it was released, it was the most powerful smartphone in the market, and still among the first list of nearly 1 year later. The camera should also be improved, and it is quite possible that he also has the fingerprint reader in this Galaxy S5, and a greater interaction between the S Pen stylus and Android.


 The Galaxy Note 4 to be announced in September during the IFA conference, to be held in Berlin, Germany. The Canaltech will be present at the fair to check the details first hand.



  Tech Channel

See also:
15.06.2014 Galaxy Note 4 may have curved screen full version
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