[ Galaxy Note 3 (SM-N9005) gets updated with Download Booster Mode and Kids ]
The update is now available in the UK and will arrive in other regions in the coming days
by Larissa Ximenes – Monday, June 30, 2014
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Last month, T-Mobile variant of the Galaxy Note 3 received updates that brought the device to the third generation top of the line features some Korean company Found in Galaxy S5, as Download Booster and Kids Mode . Today, that same update is being released to the international variant of the Snapdragon device. This is an update in-the-air, that is currently available in the UK, and in addition to the features mentioned above, the update also brings a 2.0 version KNOX. The size is 185 MB, and takes the N905XXUFNF4 number.
Booster Download:
This feature allows the smartphone to use your internet 4G LTE while using a WI-FI connection, merging the two, and thus considerably improves the speed of file downloads and browsing. Kids Mode: Children mode. Who have children, nephews or living with children, know that they are becoming smarter as compared to tablets and smartphones. Little love playing on the devices, touch everything, and that sometimes ends up messing up your device without even trying. Now, with the children, the apparatus limits the functions that can be selected and the applications that they can open with the appliance. In addition, children can count on a gallery just for them, plus 5 applications that are attractive to small: one camera, one of the drawings, a karaoke, a photo gallery and a video player specifically designated for small children. Apart from a store with only applications for them, free or paid, and parents can set a password for the paid, thus preventing small buy apps without permission.
With the update, just Kids Mode Installer is installed , then this function will not work in the same instant, because the user will still need to download the necessary files. It is expected that the update will arrive in other regions in the coming days. As always, if you want to try to anticipate the arrival on your device, you can try to do it manually through Settings »General» About Smartphone »Software Update. Source: SamMobile
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