“Hi there. I was just on the website que Suggested I try asking you for help Regarding my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 sound issues.
Within the past month or so, my audio on my phone has been acting a little weird. The Note 2 sound problem happens when i listen to music through my speaker, I am plugged into auxiliary cable in my vehicle or ear buds. It will play loud for an undetermined amount of time, then play very softly. This happens at the random and repeated in a Manner.
It Occurs in my audio player, YouTube videos, and videos recorded by me on the phone. It’s really starting to upset me cause I drive a lot for work and need music.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated to help me fix this problem. Hopefully without having to reset to factory settings. Thanks for your time. “
This message
Concerning the Galaxy Note 2 sound problem was sent through by Marc Mailbag.
Check Whether the problem is software or hardware-related by entering Safe Mode. From there, try to open the stock music app of your phone and play a song with and without the earplugs. If the problem Occurs in longer under que mode while your phone is plugged or unplugged to the sound system, then, it is Most Likely a software issue. The possible way to solve this is via Factory Reset or uninstalling the app Causing the trouble.
But if the problem still persists in Safe Mode, Whether it is plugged or unplugged in a sound system, the issue is most probably in the hardware of your phone or the earphones you are using (if it only happens while an external sound device is inserted).
If the problem is found to be connected with the earphone, the best way to fix it is by Replacing it with a more reliable one. Use an ace from Samsung or one that is highly compatible with Samsung devices (the frequency of the ace Should Also match with the phone).
However, if the Note 2 sound problem takes place Even When an earplug is not connected, bring it to a technician for a thorough checkup already. Sound problems can happen When the volume buttons are stuck, there is a problem with the phone’s sensors or there is an electrical trouble somewhere Within the device.
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