– TRUMP TARGETS TED CRUZ’S WIFE ON TWITTER – AGAIN: For the second night in a row Donald Trump redbourn to Twitter to target the wife of his fiercest rival in the GOP presidential race, Sen. Ted Cruz. On Wednesday, Trump retweeted a post showing a side by side image of Heidi Cross and Trump’s wife, Melania, ABC’s JESSICA HOPPER reports. Text on the picture read: “. ‘Spill the beans’. No need to The images are worth a thousand words” Cross responded quickly with a tweet of his own saying, “Donald, real men do not attack women Your wife is. lovely, and Heidi is the love of my life. “The latest spat between the real estate mogul and the Texas follows senator Trump’s Twitter threat on Tuesday night to” spill the beans “about Cruz’s wife. Trump made the threat after the anti-Trump super PAC Make America Awesome released an attack ad featuring a racy image of the billionaire’s wife, Melania, from her former modeling days. Trump blames Cruz for the ad. Cruz has said he had nothing to the with the anti-Trump super PAC’s ad and que he finds it “inappropriate.”
– WHAT DONALD IS SAYING: Trump defended his actions in an interview . with Fox Business yesterday, “I wrote, I said be careful because otherwise I’ll have to start talking about you know – your situation. Now, do I like doing that? No, “Trump said
itemprop." ArticleBody "> – WHAT TED IS SAYING: Cross Addressed Trump’s targeting of his wife at the campaign event in Pewaukee, Wisconsin last night. “You know folks Were asking me today, ‘Well, Heidi is upset que Donald Trump went after her?’ And, listen, Heidi Has Been in the business world for over 20 years, she’s dealt with a lot of garbage in the business world. Women professionals deal with a lot of nonsense. She’s seen bullies her entire career and I’ll tell you, Heidi Cruz is not scared one iota by the bellowing Donald Trump, “Cruz said.
– WHAT HEIDI IS SAYING: Heidi Cross responded to Trump during an impromptu press availability outside the Cruz campaign office in Waukesha, Wisconsin yesterday. “You probably know by now que most of the things Donald Trump says have no basis in reality,” Mrs. Cross said. “So we are not worried in the least. We’re focusing on our campaign. We’re going to proceed to do that “
– ANALYSIS – ABC’s RICK KLEIN:. While Trump was Tweeting outrage, something significant happened in the Democratic race:. Bernie Sanders earned the right to stick around a while – maybe until the very end of voting Sanders won two states while Hillary Clinton won only one on Tuesday, giving Sanders the rare election day where he picked up more delegates than his rival. That does not change the stubborn math, Which makes Clinton’s lead Among pledged delegates virtually insurmountable, to say nothing of the gravy on top That is the superdelegates. But it does give heart and purpose to the Sanders campaign’s plan to fight until the end. It’s simply not true que he’s winning the Democratic nomination. It’s Also, though, slightly disingenuous to suggest he shouldnt exit the race while he’s individual winning states and picking up delegates. “You’re going to see me here more than you feel comfortable with, “Sanders Told the Los Angeles Times, his eyes on California’s June 7 primary. He was talking to the newspaper editors and reporters, but the comment Could have easily Have Been directed at the Clinton campaign.
bY tHE NUMBERS – CLINTON, SANDERS: ALL TIED UP iN tHE THIRD QUARTER OF tHE PRIMARY Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are in dead heat this far into the Democratic primary, According to Bloomberg national poll.. Sanders garnered 49 percent and Clinton received 48 percent of support from Democratic voters, ABC’s VERONICA Stracqualursi notes. Democratic voters believe Clinton has the better temperament to be president, work most effectively with Congress and can be best to combat Islamic terrorism. However, voters thought Sanders over Clinton cares more about people like them, will fight harder for the middle class and is the most honest and trustworthy. 64 percent of voters are not bothered by the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s private email server, but 54 percent are concern by Wall Street Firms paying Clinton Thousands for speeches. For Sanders, it’s his lack of foreign policy experience que has 60 percent of voters concern.
WHAT THIS WEEK’S primaries MEAN FOR TRUMP aND CLINTON. The 2016 presidential candidates tackled the wild, wild West Tuesday night. But, now, the battle for the White House enters the stretch of small contests in Which every delegate counts. After divided results in Arizona, Utah and Idaho, in the candidate got any unexpected boost from Tuesday night’s primaries and caucuses. And now, with only a few major contests coming in the next month, candidates must zero in on important states coming in late-April and, eventually, in early-June. ABC’s RYAN STRUYK has more on what Tuesday night means for each party’s front-runner and Where They go from here.
CLINTON CALLS THE TRUMP Presidency ‘CHRISTMAS FOR THE KREMLIN’. Hillary Clinton delivered a speech Wednesday in the wake of the attacks in Brussels que was as much an assault on Republicans – Namely Donald Trump and Ted Cruz – at it was a rebuke of terrorism. Clinton directly targeted Trump for his recent comments que the US shouldnt limit its Involvement with NATO – warning such a move would only be a boon for Russian President Vladimir Putin, “who already hopes to divide Europe,” ABC’s LIZ KREUTZ reports. “If Mr. Trump gets his way, it’ll be like Christmas in the Kremlin,” the front-runner said Democratic During her remarks here at Stanford University. ”
Noted: 6 TIMES JEB BUSH HAS BEEN CRITICAL OF TED CRUZ. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush endorsed 2016 GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz over billionaire Donald Trump and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Wednesday. In a Facebook post, Bush called Cruz “the consistent, principled conservative” and said the entire Republican Party needed to unite behind a single candidate who was not Donald Trump. Bush cited Trump’s decisiveness and vulgarity the disqualifying factors. But Bush, who ended his own presidential bid after the South Carolina primary, was not always so generous to the Texas senator. ABC’s JEFF NAFTA takes a look at the six teams When Jeb Bush was critical of Cruz.
tinder WANTS YOU TO ‘SWIPE RIGHT’ FOR YOUR FAVORITE CANDIDATE. Tinder users may soon find the familiar faces of Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton Among Their matches, thanks to a new initiative. The dating app and Rock the Vote, the non-profit organization focused on mobilizing young voters, have teamed up to launch “Swipe the Vote,” Tinder announced in a post on its blog yesterday. The “Swipe The Vote” option will come up in the user’s potential matches. If selected, it brings up the ten-question survey asking about issues ranging from same-fri marriage to oil drilling, ABC’s JENNIFER HÄNSLER notes. “Once you’ve swiped through ten of the hottest issues, you’ll be matched with the candidate who best matches your views,” the company wrote on Their blog. “We’ll show you how you compare with other candidates, too!” At the end, users have the options to learn more about the candidates and register to vote.
itemprop "articleBody"> TED CRUZ CHANNELS screenwriter Aaron Sorkin TO DONALD TRUMP rebuke. From “Jerry Maguire” to the “Princess Bride” and now “The American President” – presidential candidate Ted Cruz Seemed to channel famed screenwriter Aaron Sorkin yesterday When standing up to Donald Trump’s threat to “spill the beans” on Cruz’s wife. Cruz Seemed to paraphrase the classic film about life in the White House. “She is way out of his league. If he wants to get in the character he shouldnt fight stick with me, “Cruz said in an interview. ABC’s JESSICA HOPPER has more.
@JasonMillerinDC: Ted Cruz, Day After Attacks Brussels, belittles Donald Trump on Foreign Policy
@russellberman: Most surprising in Bberg poll? Romney far more unpopular now than in 2012. fav / unfav: 32/58, worse than Hillary / Cross …
@NYTnickc: Clinton campaign advertising in Honolulu now, with spot on Hawaii schools focusing on early child education
@. mattbai: Why #NeverTrump Will Never Work … Via @YahooPolitics
@RichardHaass: Potus right to go to Argentina, the emerging regional model. after #BrusselsAttacks tho, I would have nixed tango. just saying. but no big deal

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