INNOVATE OR DO NOT INNOVATE, EIS The QUESTÃO : Actually, Samsung does have innovated with their gadgets lately, such as the Super Amoled display different from the already outdated LCD technology (with or without LEDs ) that everyone has the único Smart Zoom truth 20x (my sofistickado Galaxy K Zoom), and aà go, do not let’s debunk the advancements of Samsung, folks. What displeases me greatly in Samsung à © now she decided to copy what more desnecessário appears in concorrência just to please the fanboys them, and forgets to meet its captive público, we will. Worse, charging abusive preços of their products, even though presented unreasonably Beautiful, tasteful, but beauty does not always pÃμe table when it comes unaccompanied by intrÃnseca quality and good service in pós sale, that her à © pà © ssimo, truth be told. But INOVAà ‡ RECTIFIER SAME, which will dazzle the whole world, será the day that these energy harvesters receive a battery, say, 12,000 mAh with autonomy for at least a week, carrying more than 1,000 recharges without increase in size and preço. This one yes será £ Inovaçà what will shut up a lot of people. I spoke and said. Post to Law effect immediately !!!

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