Monday, May 26, 2014

Samsung Galaxy Note will be released on 4 September 3 – Teciber

‘, enableHover:. False, enableTracking: true, buttons: {twitter: {via ‘teciber’}}, click: function (api, options) {api.simulateClick (); api.openPopup (‘twitter’); }}); . jQuery (‘# facebook’) sharrre ({share: {facebook: true}, template: ‘


‘, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, click: function (api, options) {api.simulateClick (); api.openPopup (‘facebook’);}}); jQuery (‘# googleplus’) sharrre ({share:. {GooglePlus: true}, template:’


‘, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, urlCurl:’ http://www / wp-content / themes / hueman / js / sharrre.php ‘, click: function (api, options) {api.simulateClick (); api.openPopup (‘ googleplus’);}}); jQuery (‘# pinterest’) sharrre ({share:. {pinterest: true}, template: ‘


‘, enableHover: false, enableTracking: true, buttons: {pinterest: {description: ‘Samsung Galaxy Note 4 will be released on September 3′, media: ‘ jpg ‘}}, click: function (api, options) {api.simulateClick (); api.openPopup (‘ pinterest ‘);}}); / / Scrollable sharrre bar, contributed by Erik Frye. Awesome! shareContainer var = jQuery (“. sharrre-container”), header = jQuery (‘# header’), postEntry = jQuery (‘. entry’), $ window = jQuery (window), distanceFromTop = 20, = startSharePosition shareContainer.offset . (), contentBottom postEntry.offset = () + top postEntry.outerHeight () = topOfTemplate header.offset () top.; getTopSpacing (); shareScroll = function () {if ($ window.width ()> 719) {var scrollTop = $ window.scrollTop () + topOfTemplate, stopLocation contentBottom = – (shareContainer.outerHeight () + topSpacing); if (scrollTop> stopLocation) {shareContainer.offset ({top: contentBottom – shareContainer.outerHeight (), left: startSharePosition.left}); } Else if (scrollTop> = postEntry.offset () top-topSpacing.) {ShareContainer.offset ({top: scrollTop + topSpacing left: startSharePosition.left}); } Else if (scrollTop 1024) topSpacing distanceFromTop + = jQuery (‘nav-wrap.’) OuterHeight ().; else topSpacing = distanceFromTop; }});

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