The Samsung Galaxy S4 is not that big When You put things into perspective, although it is fair to say Comparing the Galaxy S4 to an Apple iPhone 5 would make it look big. The image screen sizes below puts into perspective When You see the Samsung Galaxy S4 vs. Note 2, and some bigger displays Also thanks to the Galaxy Mega 5.8-inch and 6.3-inch.
vs Samsung Galaxy S4. Galaxy Note 2 – the Galaxy S4 is bigger than most smartphones at 5:38 × 0:31 × 2.75 inches, and the fact is this is not too far off to Note 2 at 0:37 × 5.94 × 3.17 inches. Both seem tiny When Compared to the other end of the scale, Which sees Samsung’s 6.3 Mega at 3:46 × 0:31 × 6.6 inches.
When we look at the Samsung Galaxy S4 next to the other smartphones we can not help but think the Galaxy S3 update is not that big after all, how about you?
What do you think about the Samsung Galaxy S4 screen size after looking at the above comparison? If you want to see another popular Android phone comparison, then see the 40 minute debate Comparing the Samsung Galaxy S4 Vs. HTC One, Which AIMS to find out the best handset from two of the best Android phones available right now.
If you are looking for more insight into the Samsung Galaxy S4 vs. Note 2, then you Should see this video review que AIMS to find out the best handset between two devices que que aren’t far apart in screen size, Which is impressive considering one is classed as a phablet.
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